An Air Saguenay DHC-3 Otter has made it from Québec to Kokoda, in Papua New Guinea. It is expected to work around the remote mountain airfields for a while.
The Air Saguenay Otter is taxiing for the Kokoda runway towards Launumu in Papua New Guinea.
Today, the Otter heads for Launumu, a mountain airfield that is at an elevation of 5082 ft asl and 1200 feet long.
The Air Saguenay Otter departing Kokoda.
The pilot has to watch for the birds in order to avoid any collision in flight…
Otter aircraft and birds.
Following the Kokoda trail is a good way to reach Launumu.
The Otter in the Papua New Guinea mountains, following the Kokoda Trail.
If the mixture is not adjusted, the Otter will lose a lot of steam trying to climb up to 7,500 feet to cross the first line of mountains.
Inside the Otter cockpit, with the mixture adjusted.
Anybody landing and departing from Launumu deals with high density altitude. This is not only due to the elevation of the airfield but also to the very warm and moist air present in the region. Consequently, some additional airspeed is required on the approach and on the departure.
The Launumu runway is in sight.
When a pilot lands southwestward in Launumu coming from Kokoda, he must dive in a valley to lose altitude, which will increase the aircraft’s airspeed. The Launumu runway is in sight.
If the airspeed is not promptly corrected, the approach to the Launumu runway will be too fast. Any airspeed above 60 knots forces the pilot to overshoot (unless you are ready to virtually die a few times while trying).
Losing altitude while respecting the flaps speed limit.
So, once the higher mountains are crossed, a good way of losing altitude without gaining airspeed is to use flaps (at the corresponding airspeed) and do a tight 360 degree coordinated turn while descending. That way, the pilot will end up in line with the runway and at the speed you want, which is around 50 knots.
Turning and descending in the valley during an approach for Launumu.
The Otter floats endlessly because of its huge wings.
The Air Saguenay Otter is on approach for the Launumu short runway in Papua New Guinea.
On final for Launumu, the pilot might end up having to deal with the bushes that are close to the runway. It is not unusual for the Otter or the Beaver to complete a difficult approach with bushes wrapped around the landing gear.
A Air Saguenay Otter is on final for the Launumu mountain runway.
A Otter aircraft is arriving on the Launumu high altitude runway.
Launumu has a surprise for the newcomers. If the pilot lands southwestward, like it was just done here, and the aircraft is not stopped within approximately 600 feet, it starts accelerating since there is a pronounced slope downward in the second half of the runway. This slope leads to a cliff. In case of a missed approach, the pilot can use the slope downwards and dive in the valley at the end of the runway to build up airspeed and start a new approach.
Now that the hard work is done, it is time to wait for the passengers and cargo, and plan the next leg…
A Otter aircraft is backtracking the Launumu runway after landing.
A Otter aircraft is parked on the Launumu runway in Papua New Guinea.
The virtual scenery and clouds required softwares like REX, REX Texture Direct, Cumulus X, FTX Global, FTX Global Vector and Pilot’s FS Global 2010.
Well, that is it! The first glider just arrived at the Fane Parish airport in Papua New Guinea…
Glider on the Fane Parish short grass runway in Papua New Guinea.
Before it is officially offered as a tourist attraction for the region, some attempts at taking-off and landing must be done. The first trial attracts a few people!
Aircraft and glider on the Fane Parish mountain airfield.
The descent along the twelve degree sloped runway is a bit rough for the glider’s low wings, as there are some bushes that will have to be trimmed!
An aircraft pulls a glider after the take-off from the Fane Parish sloped runway in Papua New Guinea.
The weather is nice and very warm. The only potential problem is the mountain ahead.
Glider being towed by an aircraft after the take-off from the Fane Parish mountain airfield.
Finally, the pilot cuts the link. He is free to go!
The link is cut between the plane and the glider after the take-off from Fane Parish.
The glider flies silently over the lush area of Papua New Guinea.
Virtually gliding over the Papua New Guinea territory (FSX).
Using the rising warm air currents, the glider gains altitude.
The glider gains altitude.
Why not a pass over Fane?
Gliding over the Fane Parish village.
Here is another isolated village alongside a mountain.
Flight with a virtual glider over an isolated village of Papua New Guinea.
A last steep turn in order to realign for the approach at Fane Parish.
Last steep turn for a short landing on the Fane Parish mountain sloped runway.
The airbrakes are out and the speed reasonable. The sloped runway is just ahead, on top of the mountain to the right.
Approach of a glider on the elevated airfield at Fane Parish in Papua New Guinea. The speed and angle of approach are right on target.
Keeping just enough altitude on the approach to be safe.
Glider approaching the 12 degree sloped runway of the Fane Parish aerodrome.
Now that the landing is a sure thing, it is time to use the airbrakes again to slow down as much as possible.
Virtual glider arriving over the Fane Parish runway in Papua New Guinea. The airbrakes are being used.
Keeping in mind that this mountain airfield as a good slope, it is better to have a bit of extra speed. Nobody likes to stall a few feet over a runway!
Virtual glider with airbrakes over the Fane Parish runway
What an experience it was! But I’ll need some help to pull the glider up the slope!
Glider on the Fane Parish runway
The virtual flight was great, the view was worth every penny, and I think that this could become a new touristic attraction for the region and the more wealthy visitors…
The glider has landed on the runway at the Fane Parish airport in Papua New Guinea.
There is no aircraft in the sky around the Port Moresby Jacksons (AYPY) virtual airport today. No aircraft in the sky but one, a medevac flight.
Arrival of the Medevac towards the Port Moresby Jacksons (AYPY) airport. The winds forbid a normal landing.
The winds blow from 240 degree at 50G60 kts and the runways are oriented 14/32. It is way above the maximum crosswind authorized for any aircraft.
But the Shrike Commander’s crew cannot wait until the wind calms down. They must land in the next few minutes in order to save a patient’s life.
The Port Moresby Jacksons (AYPY) is in sight in the center top of the screen capture.
As there is no traffic around, the captain has told ATC he intends to do a safe, efficient but non-standard approach.
The aircraft is gradually positioned to arrive in a straight line for the AYPY hangar.
The aircraft aligns itself to face the wind blowing across the runways.
Arriving straight across the runways, facing the wind, the crew intends to land the aircraft a few feet short of a hangar. The captain requests that someone opens the hangar doors right away. The captain will terminate the approach in the hangar, protected from the wind.
Trajectory of the Shrike Commander 500S towards the hangar at the Port Moresby Jacksons airport. The hangar door has been open for the arrival.
It is safer to arrive facing the wind and immediately enter the hangar, straight ahead. No taxiing with a 60 knots crosswind.
Useless to say, ATC has already refused the request. But the pilot is the only one who decides of the best landing surface, for the safety of the passengers and himself. He proceeds with the approach after having clearly indicated which path will be followed.
The Shrike Commander 500S over the houses near the Port Moresby Jacksons airport.
The main problem for the approach is the low level mechanical turbulence caused by the gusty 60 kts winds.
If ATC wants to file a complaint, now is a good time to take a picture of the aircraft and its registration to support the case.
Flying by the AYPY control tower.
The actual ground speed of the airplane is around 20 kts.
The Shrike Commander 500S approaching across the runways at the Port Moresby Jacksons airport. The winds blow from 240 degree at 50G60.
The steady high wind speed is actually safer for the crew than if the winds were 240 at 35G60.
Ground speed of about 20 knots for the Shrike Commander 500S on final for the Port Moresby Jacksons hangar (AYPY).
Still a bit above the runway and with a 10-20 knots ground speed. The airspeed indicator shows the strength of the wind itself plus the ground speed.
Indicated airspeed 70 knots.
Frontal view of the Shrike Commander 500S about to land in front of the hangar at AYPY.
Floating like a hot air balloon or almost!
Side view of the Shrike Commander 500S on final for the Port Moresby Jacksons airport’s hangar.
The Shrike Commander will soon land in Port Moresby Jacksons.
As the aircraft touches the ground, it stops almost immediately. It is necessary to apply power to reach the hangar, as you can see with the white trail on the ground behind the aircraft.
In real life, the touch-down would have had to be as soon as the asphalt start since the presence of the hangar lowers the wind speed a bit.
The Shrike Commander lands a few feet before the hangar. Additional power is mandatory to reach the hangar.
A few seconds after the touch-down, the aircraft is in the hangar, protected from the wind, and both doctor and patient can quickly head out to the hospital.
The Shrike Commander 500S in the hangar at Port Moresby (AYPY).
Once in the hangar, the winds were adjusted to zero, which is kind of logical, unless the opposite wall is missing!
View of the Port Moresby Jacksons (AYPY)
It was now time to brace for another storm, which was the inquiry that would possibly follow the landing!
(P.S.: Tim Harris and Ken Hall were the creators of this virtual Port Moresby Jacksons international airport) and it is sold by ORBX. The aircraft is sold by Carenado).
A virtual C-130 belonging to the Blue Angels is taxiing at the High River airport, in Alberta.
Wanting to add an almost impossible flight in the “unhinged virtual flights” section of my web site, I tried a flight with the Blue Angels C-130 Hercules (Captain Sim) where the aircraft gradually lost all of its engines.
The Blue Angels C-130 Hercules waiting in line behind a single engine aircraft at the High River airport.
I am aware that the Blue Angels mechanics are real professionals, so I assumed that the engine failures were caused by an unknown reason.
A virtual Blue Angels Lockheed C-130 Hercules takes-off from the High River (CEN4) Canadian airport in Alberta.
The take-off was made without problem from the Canadian High River (CEN4) airport. This free airport was designed by Vlad Maly and is available through ORBX. The aircraft leaves the 4150 feet runway heading to the Coeur d’Alène airport (KCOE) in United States.
Eventually, the first engine stops. This does not cause a problem. The propeller is feathered and the gradual climbing continues.
The C-130 Hercules loses its first engine.
The second engine stops. The pilot must forget the initial destination. Bonners Ferry (65S) becomes the alternate airport since the 4000×75 feet runway is good enough for the C-130.
The second engine has just stopped on this C-130 Hercules.
Double engine failure for this virtual Blue Angles C-130 Hercules.
The third engines gives way. A slow descent starts. Bonners Ferry is not very far. The airport is at an altitude of 2337 ft asl.
The aircraft is volontarily flown at a higher altitude than what would normally be requested for a normal approach, just in case the fourth engine stops. When three engines stop after the same refueling, the pilot has the right to think that what feeds the fourth engine can also cause problems.
Three engine failures on this virtual Blue Angels C-130 Hercules.
The highest mountains are now behind the aircraft.
Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures enroute to the Bonners Ferry airport.
The Bonners Ferry (65S) runway is in sight.
Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures, by the Bonners Ferry’s runway.
The fourth engine stops. The flaps will not be functional for the landing.
From now on, the pilot should save the virtual flight a few times since it is possible that several trials will be necessary to glide sucessfully to the airport. This is the fun of virtual flight.
The four engines have now failed on that virtual C-130 aircraft.
The C-130 Hercules has become a big glider. When the speed is maintained, the aircraft loses more 1000 feet per minute. It is easier to feel the aircraft’s inertia.
The wheels will be brought out only when necessary since the gear adds a lot of drag.
From the position indicated in the picture below, it is impossible to arrive to the airport in a straight line: the aircraft will glide over the airport. In the picture, the aircraft seems to be on a good path for landing, but it is an illusion caused by the wide-angle format chosen for the screen capture.
The aircraft is definitely too high. It is impossible to use the flaps to increase the rate of descent.
Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft with four engine failures on the approach to the Bonners Ferry’s virtual airport (65S).
One must choose between 1) sideslips 2) a 360 degree turn to lose altitude or 3) multiple steep turns perpendicular to the runway to increase to distance to the airport.
What would you choose?
There is no universal method. The 360 degree turn is riskier but can prove efficient. An Airbus A330-200 flown by Quebecer Robert Piché that had lost all of its engines landed successfully in the Açores in 2001 after attempting a last minute 360 degree turn to lose altitude. But here, I did not believe there was enough altitude to safely complete the turn and reach the runway.
A few steep turns were made to extend to ride to the airport. Why steep turns? In order to avoid getting closer to the airport before an acceptable altitude was reached. This method helped keep an eye on the runway at all times to verify if the slope to the airport was still acceptable.
Fourty degree turn to the right on the approach to the Bonners Ferry’s airport.
Steep turn to the left to extend the distance to the Bonners Ferry airport.
I tried the three methods, always starting from the same saved flight (photo 10). After several sideslips, the aircraft was always approaching the airport too quickly. There was not enough time to lose altitude. The final speed always happened to be too high to stop a C-130 without flaps or thrust reversers.
The 360 degree turn, be it right or left, with different angles and a reasonable speed, always incurred a loss of altitude that brought the aircraft 200 to 300 feet short of the threshold.
Finally, after a few steep turns, the aircraft was positioned on final with the appropriate speed and altitude.
View of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules with four engine failures, on the approach for Bonners Ferry (65S).
A few last seconds adjustments, to reposition the aircraft in the center of the runway.
Speed 150 knots. End of the turn for the Bonners Ferry’s airport.
At 140 kts, but without any reverse thrust, the whole runway should be necessary to stop the aircraft.
Speed 140 knots, aligned with the Bonners Ferry’s runway.
The landing was smooth and the aircraft stopped short of the threshold.
For an unknown reason, the anemometer was still indicating a 10 kts airspeed, even when the aircraft had stopped.
C-130 cargo aircraft on the Bonners Ferry’s runway.
Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft after landing at the Bonners Ferry (65S) airport.
C-130 Hercules aircraft in Bonners Ferry.
Try such a flight in the virtual mode. The worst that can happen is that you have fun!
Manually flying a huge aircraft like the MD-11F to make a virtual landing in Innsbruck surely will be fun for most flight simulation enthusiasts. Since the Innsbruck airport and its surroundings have been redesigned under ORBX Innsbruck, the immersion feeling is total. The landscape is absolutely fantastic.
A virtual Martinair Cargo MD-11F is airborne from runway 26 at the Innsbruck airport (LOWI)
Start by taking-off from runway 08. Anybody standing near the fence at the end of the runway will feel the blast. Then, gain enough altitude to be able to do a 180 degree turn to realign the aircraft for runway 26.
A PMDG MD-11F preparing for a visual approach runway 08 at Innsbruck
Make sure to activate the “air turbulence” option on your virtual weather engine, since an approach near the mountains in Innsbruck generates enough turbulence to make your approach more difficult. The pilot must also, for this exercise, deal with the actual winds even if they do not favor runway 26.
Virtual Martinair Cargo MD-11F approaching the Innsbruck airport (LOWI)
The flaps must be adjusted to 50 degrees for the MD-11F. Insure that the “Autopilot” function is set at “OFF”. The intensity of the automatic breaking is chosen according to the actual winds, the aircraft’s cargo load and the altitude of the airport. The margin of manoeuver with regards to the approach speed is not very large. I tried to maintain 150 kts.
A virtual PMDG MD-11F with full flaps (50 degrees) on final for runway 08 in Innsbruck
The Innsbruck runway is 2000 meters long. There is not much leeway for the MD-11F.
Virtual PMDG MD-11F arriving for runway 08 at Innsbruck
Virtual PMDG MD-11F breaking runway 08 in Innsbruck
Once on the ground, you must continue until the end of runway 26 in order to do a 180 degree turn. There is just enough space for the MD-11F.
Virtual Martinair Cargo MD-11F backtracking runway 08 at Innsbruck
As you can see in the image below, looking at the windsock, the landing was made with a good tailwind.
Virtual Martinair Cargo MD-11F exiting the runway at Innsbruck
The airport is superbly represented and a parking space is already reserved for bigger aircrafts. Employees are waiting for your arrival.
Innsbruck virtual airport and the Martinair Cargo MD-11F
PMDG virtual MD-11F parked at the Innsbruck airport in Austria
Virtual Martinair Cargo MD-11F parked at the Innsbruck airport
You can try landing with any other big carrier if you do not already own a PMDG virtual MD-11. If you would like to acquire this aircraft, you will realize that it is no longer offered by PMDG, at least for now. Try to put some pressure on the company so that they restart offering the aircraft on which they have put in so much effort. A message on their Facebook site should show your interest: PMDG
If you would like to see an exceptional two hour aviation video on a real flight that lasted ten days across the world, there is none better than the one made by Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F in Quito
PilotsEye DVD on a ten day worldwide trip with a Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F
You witness part of the crew’s planning for a landing on the old Quito runway, in Ecuador. The airport’s altitude is so high that the MD-11F margin of manoeuver is extremely limited. Make sure to own a player that can decode European videos.
The reason for the delays and the positive side for the consumers
A virtual Bombardier regional jet CRJ-900ER (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors is climbing after its departure from the Valdez virtual airport in Alaska (ORBX).
Digital Aviation & Aerosoft have finally completed their long awaited project to make a virtual CRJ-900ER and CRJ-700ER Bombardier regional jets. Months later than expected, the flight simulation enthusiasts can now try those two new virtual aircrafts. The CRJ is mostly used to link smaller airports and remote areas to the main hubs. The aircraft can rapidly reach its cruising altitude and stay there a long time, but it is not intended to be a really fast aircraft.
The company explains that, since the beginning, it had underestimated the complexity of the project and, because of ongoing delays, ended up having to catch up with the competition. In order to offer a superior product than the competition, Digital Aviation and Aerosoft had to review what it initially considered as an almost completed project.
Virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors airborne from the Valdez virtual airport (ORBX)
The CRJ-900ER and CRJ-700ER had their exterior almost completely redone; the consumer now ends up with a much better looking aircraft. The project manager says that it is only due to the patience and kindness of potential customers that the project was saved. It pays to be nice!
The first flight with the CRJ
Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Nostrum colors departing the St. Maarten international airport (Fly Tampa St.Maarten)
For the first flight, the manual recommends to first choose and activate one of the default FSX aircraft with the engine running. The pilot then selects the CRJ of his choice. It seems that doing so will prevent a lot of problems.
The virtual 2D cockpit
The virtual 2D cockpit helps save a few FPS. An easy access to the different sections of the cockpit is available since it is divided in several logical panels numbered from 1 to 9.
The virtual pilot has access to an updated NavDataPro (May 2017) database for air navigation. It is the world’s most used database in aircraft. The aircraft is also compatible with the popular Navigraph database.
How does a standard computer deals with the new CRJ?
Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the U.S. Airways colors airborne from the Denver International airport (Flightbeam Studios)
I have flown both aircrafts on several virtual airports like St. Maarten (Fly Tampa St. Maarten), Montreal international (Fly Tampa Montreal), Denver international (Flightbeam Studios) and Valdez (ORBX) without problems with regards to the computer’s processors and FPS. It was certainly out of question to try to land at the Courchevel airport (LLH Creations), with its short sloped runway, but a low pass at high speed caused no stutters.
A virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Air France HOP colors is in flight over the Courchevel virtual airport in France (LLH Creations)
Flying the CRJ at low speed
The CRJ offers a good margin of manoeuver when it comes to flying at low speed. But due to the position of the engines, the aircraft’s nose will raise rapidly when the throttle is brought back to idle. In a constant and progressive descent, that does not cause a problem. But if the manoeuver is done on short final when the aircraft is still above 50 feet, the rapid change in the aircraft’s attitude could induce a stall.
The air brakes
One cannot rely too much on the air brakes to slow down the CRJ. They have limited efficiency, both for the virtual and the real aircraft.
Floating tendency
If the aircraft arrives over the threshold at a higher speed than recommended, it will float for a long distance before finally touching down.
Landing and take-off distances
A virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Canada colours (Aerosoft) is approaching the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau virtual airport (Fly Tampa Montreal)
The CRJ-900 and CRJ-700 operate on relatively short runways. The CRJ-700 needs 5040 feet for take-off (at maximum weight) and landing, under the standard ICAO conditions. The CRJ-900 requires 6060 feet for take-off and 5260 feet for landing. The maximum range has been established to be around 1300 and 1400 nm.
Managers that facilitate the use of the CRJ
For the CRJ, Digital Aviation & Aerosoft have created managers that allow choosing the number of passengers, cargo, as well as calculating the fuel weight, the center of gravity and the amount of trim required. There is even a FS2 Crew option if desired. Another manager facilitated the addition of liveries.
The flight simulation enthusiasts had been anticipating the arrival of that regional jet for a long time; some did not believe anymore that it would one day become a reality (that includes the company too!). The flight simmers now have access to a world class and high quality regional jet.
For more articles on flight simulation on my web site, click on the following link : Flight simulation
Aerial view of the Rothera research station in Antarctica.
For this flight, you will need the Antarctica X flight simulation software made by Aerosoft.
The maintenance of BAS Twin Otters and their Dash-7 is done in Calgary, Canada, and head to Antarctica during the austral summer, between October and March. So if you want to try a flight simulation with a Twin Otter or a Dash-7 from Chile to Antarctica, pick one of those months as it is more realistic.
Since it would be a bit long to make all the virtual flights from Canada to Antarctica, I chose to do the last three legs to see what the landscape looks like.
A Twin Otter is normally approved for a maximum take-off weight of 12,500 pounds. But with skis weighing 800 pounds and additional fuel required to fly longer legs, BAS (British Antarctic Survey) has arranged to have their Twin Otters approved at 14,000 pounds. Even at this weight, the aircraft could still operate on one engine.
First, the aircraft departs La Florida airport (SCSE) in Chile, after a mandatory fuel stop before its next destination, the El Tepual de Puerto Montt airport (SCTE), also in Chile.
Airborne from La Florida, Chile, after refueling.
This virtual flight with the Twin Otter last about 4:25 hours (696 nm) with a heading of 185 degrees.
In flight towards El Tepual de Puerto Montt, Chile.
For the screen captures, FTX Global, FTX Vector and Pilot’s FS Global 2010 were installed. Orbx has also reworked the original El Tepual de Puerto Montt airport to include some people, aircrafts and new buildings. It makes for a more interesting destination.
Twin Otter on final approach for El Tepual de Puerto Montt, Chile.
Ready for refueling at the El Tepual de Puerto Montt, Chile.
The next flight is from the El Tepual de Puerto Montt airport (SCTE) to Punta Arenas (SCCI), both in Chile.
Twin Otter aircraft airborne and heading to Punta Arenas, Chile.
This flight, made low across the Andes, absolutely requires good weather. You will have to climb to 17,000 feet to make the direct route between the airports.
Twin Otter over the Andes climbing for17,000 feet
There are often spectacular views available to the virtual pilot. Yes, the BAS Twin Otter is flown by only one pilot, but there is always somebody else accompanying him.
Don’t forget to lean the mixture during the climb. Also use some additional oxygen (!!) if you don’t want to start singing and flying in circles after a while. Again, pay attention to the mixture during the descent, considering that you will be losing close to 17,000 feet.
Refueling at Punta Arenas, Chile.
The Punta Arenas airport, straight from FSX, is not an interesting airport to look at. It is a very bare airport, with just a single building and a VOR.
But since the BAS pilot do that mandatory leg just before heading to Antarctica, I chose not to change the route. The general direction for the flight to Punta Arenas was 164 degrees and the duration approximately 4:28 hours. You can obviously accelerate the process once the aircraft is established at its flying altitude.
The last flight is from Punta Arenas, Chile, to Rothera, Antarctica.
Twin Otter aircraft heading for the Rothera airport in Antarctica.
The Twin Otter will take between six and seven hours on an average heading of 162 degrees to cover the distance between Punta Arenas (SCCI) and Rothera (EGAR).
Over the snowy mountains of Chile towards Rothera, Antarctica
Carrying extra fuel on the flight towards Rothera, Antarctica.
The runway at Rothera is made of gravel and is 2953 feet long. That is plenty for the Twin Otter and the DASH-7. Before you make the flight, go into the aerosoft/Antarctica X file in your flight simulator and click on the “LOD 8.5” option (the default is at LOD 4.5). It will give you much better details when you are approaching Antarctica.
The antarctic Rothera research station is in sight
Twin Otter aircraft on final at Rothera, Antarctica.
The Airliner World magazine had an excellent article on the BAS operations in Antarctica in its March 2017 edition. It included plenty of interesting pictures and detailed explanations on what is expected from pilots and personnel working for BAS. I compared the Rothera virtual airport with the real one through the available pictures in Airliner World and was pleasantly surprised with the level of accuracy of the details.
A British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft is landing on the Rothera runway, Antarctica
The BAS always prepares itself for the worst: “[It] carries parts valued at around $5m, including a replacement engine for each aircraft, spare props and undercarriage components”.
Twin Otter aircraft after a landing on the Rothera runway, Antarctica
“A new development for the Air Unit has been its work with the RAF, using C-130 Hercules transports to airdrop supplies into the field. They fly from Punta Arenas and drop fuel to support our science programmes on the Ronne Ice Shelf. […] It is all part of their training system and the accuracy they drop to is very impressive. They might drop 250 drums, think how many Twin Otter trips that would have been for us (48 or more than 400 flying hours)”.
The main hangar in Rothera, Antarctica.
Aerosoft has made an excellent job in replicating the buildings in Rothera, BAS’s main research station in Antarctica. The biggest hangar can accommodate three Twin Otters and a Dash-7 altogether.
Inside the main hangar at the Rothera research station, Antarctica.
When your flight is over, do not forget to change the settings back to LOD 4.5 for Antarctica in your aerosoft/Antarctica X files.
A virtual DHC-6 Twin Otter enroute for Kokoda after a fire on the right engine while departing Yongai (KGH) in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
Ken Hall and Tim Harris have created a new virtual scenery for flight simulation enthousiasts. It is called “Tapini” and sold by ORBX. Their penultimate creation, AYPY Jackson’s International, allowed the virtual pilot to fly in very demanding virtual airports along the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea. “Tapini” represents a whole new challenge and I have included several screen captures to show you how the different runways look in this new virtual scenery.
“Tapini”, still in Papua New Guinea, allows the virtual pilot to test his skills on seven new runways located in difficult areas of the Owen Stanley Range. Those airports also constitute a serious test for any aircraft, like in the picture above where damages to the right engine were sustained at Yongai.
A virtual Piper Pacer virtuel is about to land on the Ononge (ONB) curved runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX). (It is possible to see the curve starting on the top of the image)
To improve the virtual clouds while flying between the different airports, I used either REX or FSGRW weather engines. The cloud textures and weather effects were improved by one or many of the following products: Cumulus X, PrecipitFX, REX Texture Direct and REX Soft Clouds.
A virtual Dash 7 has just landed in Woitape (WTP) in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
As variety is more fun, and also due to the different challenges created by those runways, the following virtual aircrafts were used: Carenado C-185F, Lionheart Creations PA-18, Virtavia DHC-4, Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter and Milton Shupe DHC-7.
The “Tapini” scenery gives the pilot a choice between the seven following runways:
ASB (Asimba)
A tricky, very short runway near a river.
A DHC-4 Caribou virtual aircraft is on approach for Asimba’s sloped runway (ASB) in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
This is a very interesting runway, best done with a STOL aircraft like the Caribou DHC-4. The inhabitants might have to help you clear out some branches along the runway, considering the size of the aircraft. The runway slopes down on take-off, which helps to build up speed.
A DHC-4 Caribou virtual aircraft is on a stopover at Asimba (ASB) in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
A DHC-4 Caribou virtual aircraft is airborne from Asimba (ASB) in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
FNE (Fane)
A one-way, really challenging 12 degree sloped runway, with unpredictable winds.
A De Havilland DHC-7 virtual aircraft on final for the Fane (FNE) airport’s sloped runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
The runway sits on top of a hill. It is an amazing experience to land there. No wonder there are a lot of people watching the arrivals and departures.
If you slow down too quickly with an aircraft as big as the DHC-7 on that sloped runway, the twelve degree angle prevents you from moving forward. You must let the aircraft come down the runway very slowly, using the power to control the descent and the rudder to stay aligned on the runway, then apply take-off power for a few seconds to build just enough momentum to get above the hill.
A De Havilland DHC-7 virtual aircraft just finished taxiing uphill on the Fane (FNE) airport’s sloped runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
To turn the aircraft around, it’s a combination of power and reverse thrust until you clear all the obstacles (any humans venturing behind the aircraft will also be cleared during the operation…).
A De Havilland DHC-7 virtual aircraft is airborne from the Fane (FNE) airport’s sloped runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
There is a not so friendly man with a rifle watching the airport’s operations. Even the United Nations staff do not stay longer than necessary…
KGH (Yongai)
A very bumpy one-way sloped runway. A real bush aircraft is needed here!
A virtual DHC-6 Twin Otter on approach for the Yongai (KGH) bumpy runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
Even with a real bush aircraft, there is a possibility that one of the aircraft’s propellers hits the ground while taxiing on the runway. There are so many deep holes that are hard to see, I can only wish the best of lucks to everyone trying out this airport!
A virtual DHC-6 Twin Otter on the Yongai (KGH) bumpy runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
Keep a close watch on the area near the little house at the end of the runway. The DHC-6 was really shaken while turning around for take-off. One of the propellers hit the ground but no problems were detected…until the aircraft was airborne. The fire alarm then went off, just as the aircraft was passing the runway threshold, seconds before flying over a cliff.
A virtual DHC-6 Twin Otter with its right engine on fire is just airborne from the Yongai (KGH) bumpy runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
So much for the planned trip… and it was out of the question to return to Yongai on one engine. I had to pull the handle to stop the fire, feather the prop, cut the fuel where it was not needed anymore then head to the Kokoda airport as it was a sure alternative, having a long runway and an elevation that did not require the use of extra power.
KSP (Kosipe)
A relatively short runway that requires good calculations from the pilot, since it is located high in the mountains.
A virtual Cessna C-185F is enroute to the Kosipe (KSP) airport in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
The Cessna C-185F is a very well suited aircraft for that runway. Make sure not to be too heavy on the brakes, as new C-185 propellers are hard to find in Kosipe. You can land in both directions. Ensure that the mixture is set properly as the airport is above 6300 feet.
A virtual Cessna C-185F is rolling after touching down on the Kosipe (KSP) runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
A virtual Cessna C-185F is airborne from the Kosipe (KSP) runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
ONB (Ononge)
A curved and very bumpy runway! For those who like low flying. Make sure you choose the good aircraft here; there is not much manoeuvering area once on the ground.
A Virtual Piper Pacer on approach for the Ononge (ONB) curved runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
Ononge looks really scary when you show up on final for the first time. You wonder if the little trail that you see can really be a runway. For that kind of situation, the little Piper Pacer is an excellent aircraft, approaching slowly and braking on a dime. The runway is curved in the middle so you will need a bit of right rudder to keep the aircraft aligned with the runway.
A Virtual Piper Pacer on the Ononge curved runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
I guess all those people with their cargo are waiting for a bigger airplane than mine…
A Virtual Piper Pacer is airborne from the Ononge curved runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
TAP (Tapini)
A challenging one-way sloped runway nestled in a tight valley. You can even use an ILS to arrive there!
A virtual DHC-4 Caribou on short final for the Tapini (TAP) sloped runway in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
This is a superbly designed area and airport. I visited it with the DHC-4 Caribou but any other big STOL aircraft would have fitted there. There is enough room to manoeuver. It is not too bumpy. There is an interesting slope: it starts downward and ends upward: this helps to slow down the aircraft after landing.
A virtual DHC-4 Caribou on the ground at the Tapini (TAP) airport in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
A virtual DHC-4 Caribou is airborne from the Tapini (TAP) airport in Papua New Guinea PNG (FSX)
WTP (Woitape)
Looks like a no brainer, but there is no margin of error on this one-way slightly sloped runway. Very precise calculations and settings are required if you want to land there with something else than a small aircraft.
A virtual De Havilland DHC-7 on final approach for the Woitape airport (WTP) virtual airport in Papua New Guinea (FSX)
I found the runway to be very slippery with the De Havilland DHC-7. I must say that there was a good crosswind, as I was flying with real life weather and winds. The DHC-7 behaves like a big boat while decelerating on such a runway.
A virtual De Havilland DHC-7 on the ground with two Twin Otters at the Woitape airport (WTP) in Papua New Guinea (FSX)
The Woitape scenery is gorgeous. It is nice to have all those well designed virtual aircrafts, people and animals on site as this makes the scenery so much more realistic.
A De Havilland Virtual DHC-7 is airborne from the Woitape airport (WTP) in Papua New Guinea (FSX)
I love this new Orbx product. When you fly in such a realistic scenery, the brain does not make much difference between what is real and what is virtual. It really works! And if you use real life weather downloaded from the internet, it’s even better.
I tried the seven airports included in the “Tapini” virtual scenery and they are quite demanding. Yongai was the most challenging airport of them all. I had to do two missed approaches there since I ended up too high on the approach. I eventually got it right, like in real life!
I used the Microsoft flight simulator X (FSX) for all the virtual flights, but other platforms would have worked as well (Dovetail Games FSX Steam edition (FSX: SE) and all versions of P3D). The following products were also installed on my flight simulator: FTX Global, FTX Global Vector and Holgermesh, as well as Pilot’s FS Global 2010.
It is a totally immersive virtual experience and you have to forget everything else when undertaking those challenging virtual flights… if you want to make it “virtually” alive!
For more articles on flight simulation on my web site, click on the following link : Flight simulation
REX offers two important elements through its different products: 1) A weather engine that downloads real weather in your computer while replicating the different weather phenomenon, through its REX Essential Plus program and 2) very realistic cloud textures (through its add-ons like Overdrive, Texture Direct, Soft Clouds).
A flight planning mode is also included, as well as numerous options to create specific weather themes that take care of the appearance of the clouds, the quality of the light in the sky, the definition of the sun effects, the different textures and colors of water.
You also have the possibility to choose different runway markings, the sounds associated with thunderstorms and the type of lightning that will illuminate your virtual sky.
REX is compatible with all platforms, including X-Plane.
Here are the REX products, which each play a very different role:
REX Essential Plus: a weather engine and a product that contains cloud textures and multiple options in order to simulate as much as possible the real outside weather for the area you have chosen. The weather engine will soon be renewed with a new addition: REX Weather Direct.
REX Overdrive: adds 12 GB of cloud textures.
REX4 Texture Direct: adds another 16 GB of cloud textures, and a possibility to create complete weather themes according to your preferences, while you still have access to other themes created by all the virtual pilots of the REX community.
REX Soft Clouds: adds volumetric clouds in the lower layer of the atmosphere for a more realistic effect.
REX4 Weather Architect: a program that allows you to create a precise weather system then position it anywhere on the planet. This is not a weather engine: It will not look for new data on internet and download it in your computer.
REX Weather Direct: a soon to be released improved weather engine that will be compatible with DX9, DX10 and DX11 as well as with FSX, FSX: SE (Steam Edition) and P3D.
On virtual flying forums, users seem to have a preference for the Active Sky Next (ASN) weather engine combined with REX cloud textures. This is a good combination, but it’s not the only one that deserves attention: FSGRW together with REX cloud textures do an excellent job (this is the duo that I am using for very precise results). There is also OpusFSI with REX, ASN with ASN2012 (ASN weather engine combined with ASN2012 cloud textures) or even a REX only set of programs (soon to be available REX Weather Direct and REX cloud textures).
This all depends on your priority: the FSGRW simplicity and absolute realism, the facility to use a cockpit camera and the dynamic head movements supported mode of OpusFSI, etc. It is best to read a lot and take the necessary time before jumping to quickly to a conclusion.
Some weather engines might need tweaking or modifications to be compatible with the most recent versions of P3D, if we believe what is written on specialized forums.
A Pilatus PC-21 aircraft over Shoreham, United Kingdom
Near the Fairoaks airport, United Kingdom. Flaps and gear down on the Pilatus PC-21
The IRIS Pilatus PC-21 Pro Training Series is a high performance aircraft. It is equipped with a five blade graphite propeller as well as a Pratt-Whitney PT6A-68B engine able to develop 1600 SHP. Until the PC-21 was created, there were only jet aircrafts that could provide such performance when it comes to pilot training. The PC-21’s maximum airspeed is 370 knots, its service ceiling 38,000 feet and it can climb at a rate of 4000 feet/minute.
PC-21 aircraft near the Fairoaks airport, United Kingdom
The above sequence of pictures represents a familiarization flight with that aircraft, before trying to attempt to land in Fairoaks. I have included this flight under the “flight simulation” section of the site, under “standard virtual flights”.
PC-21 turning final for Fairoaks airport, United Kingdom
The takeoff was done from Southampton and the route included Shoreham, Gatwick, Heathrow to finally end in Fairoaks. Along the route, different exercises were practiced like slow flight, inverted flight and other manoeuvers that allowed to learn the behavior of the machine under all kind of configurations.
PC-21 aircraft on final for the Fairoaks airport, United Kingdom
A PC-21 aircraft and the Fairoaks airport, United Kingdom
IRIS created that virtual Pilatus. ORBX is responsible for the Southampton, Shoreham and Fairoaks virtual airports, as well as sceneries generated by their well known Global, Vector, Open LC and Trees HD products. FSX was used for the flight. Clouds were generated by REX and CumulusX. For an even more realistic experience, UK2000 virtual airports like London Gatwick and London Heathrow could have been used since they are of excellent quality.
Pilatus PC-21 on the Fairoaks airport (FSX)
Beware of the approach in Fairoaks. There are trees near the threshold of the runway and the landing surface is relatively short, measuring only 813m (2667 feet). Flying an aircraft equipped with such a powerful engine and whose stall speed approximates 150 kmh with flaps and gear down will require much attention on the approach. It will be the difference between a successful landing or having your name in the first page of Fairoaks local newspaper the next day.
For other ideas of virtual flights that do not require a lot of experience, click on the following link: Standard virtual flights
For more articles on flight simulation on my web site, click on the following link : Flight simulation