Graphic novels and comics

Graphic Novel: Le murmure de la mer

The graphic novel "Le murmure de la mer", by Hippolyte.
The graphic novel “Le murmure de la mer”, by Hippolyte.

The graphic novel “Le murmure de la mer” is a tribute to the work of the Ocean Viking’s crew, the rescue ship belonging to the SOS Méditerranée group. Its mission is to rescue migrants leaving North Africa, particularly the Libyan inferno.

Those refugees find themselves overcrowded on makeshift boats, drifting endlessly in the middle of the sometimes raging Mediterranean Sea. Often, the rafts brush up against Libyan oil platforms. Day and night, the coast guards pursue the migrants and brutally drag them back to Libya.

After a first blocked attempt to participate in a rescue, the author climbs aboard the Ocean Viking in 2020 as a journalist, cartoonist and crew member. He’s directly involved in the salvage operations, and recounts his experience in a series of beautiful sketches and touching photos.

Readers appreciate the great discipline and preparation required to carry out salvage missions in an orderly and safe manner for all concerned. Sentimentality has no place when rescuing migrants in crisis. Not following procedures can result in further deaths, including those of crew members.

A page from the graphic novel "Le murmure de la mer".
A page from the graphic novel “Le murmure de la mer”.

We bear witness to the crew’s successes and failures in their attempts to rescue as many people as possible. The sailors of the Ocean Viking face administrative blockades from Italy, which seeks to limit the considerable arrival of refugees.

First among these attempts to hinder rescue operations is the obligation for the ship to remain docked for long periods for different reasons.

Next is the requirement to transfer the new migrants to ports far from the Ocean Viking’s position. These ports are deliberately chosen by the Italian government to generate fuel costs and lengthy delays between each recovery mission. This drag prevents thousands of refugees from being salvaged.

We must, however, question the involvement of other states when it comes to admitting migrants. The misfortune of people living in countries disadvantaged by ruthless dictatorships, climate change or poverty accelerated by the plundering of wealth is everyone’s responsibility.

Once the refugees are on the boat, the crew still has to secure them, care for them and prepare them for transfer to their next land of welcome. We all know the story of those vessels which have picked up hundreds of Africans in difficulty, and which remain immobilized for weeks while awaiting clearance to transfer the survivors to a new territory. Yet the law of the sea states that any ship’s captain who learns that human beings are in peril on a body of water must render assistance.

In short, a fascinating and informative read. It increases our understanding of the challenges faced by crews helping humans in danger on the Mediterranean Sea.

Click on the link for more graphic novels and comics on my blog.

Title: Le murmure de la mer

Author: Hippolyte

Publisher: Les Arènes, Paris, 2024.

ISBN: 979-10-375-1156-0

Flight Simulation

Around the world in flight simulation (7).

A surprise awaits us as we depart from the Sandane airport (ENSD) for Sweden, Stockholm-Bromma airport (ESSB).

Drone on the ground at Sandane airport (ENSD) in Norway.
Drone on the ground at Sandane airport (ENSD) in Norway.

A Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk drone is at the airport. This long-range surveillance aircraft has an autonomy of around 35 hours and a range of 22779 kilometers. It flies at altitudes of up to 60,000 feet (18288 meters). Its maximum speed is 635 km/h, and each hour of operation costs $24,000.

Beech 350I airborne from the Sandane Airport (ENSD) heading to Stockholm-Broma airport (ESSB)
Beech 350I airborne from the Sandane Airport (ENSD) heading to Stockholm-Broma airport (ESSB)

Today, we’re repositioning a twin-engine Beechcraft King Air 350I that hasn’t flown in ages. The usual checks have been carried out to ensure that no birds have nested under the engine cowling. We also checked that there was no condensation water at the bottom of the fuel tanks. Finally, we ran the engines for a long time on the ground. The aircraft takes off from Sandane for a planned altitude of 18,000 feet.

Over Norway snowcapped mountains heading to Sweden in flight simulation.
Over Norway snowcapped mountains heading to Sweden in flight simulation.

We fly over the mountains of Norway towards Sweden. Everything goes according to plan.

Navigraph chart showing a flight from Sandane (ENSD) to Stockholm-Bromma (ESSB)
Navigraph chart showing a flight from Sandane (ENSD) to Stockholm-Bromma (ESSB)

The Navigraph map shows the planned route between the two countries.

Engine failure on a twin engine aircraft with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Engine failure on a twin engine aircraft with Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Suddenly, the left engine experiences problems. It stops and the propeller feathers to minimize drag. Since we’re approaching the runway at Stockholm-Bromma airport, we choose to continue on our way, as we benefit from a large airstrip and emergency response services. Now unsure about the reliability of the second engine, we keep a slightly higher altitude than a normal approach would generally dictate.

Double engine failure on a twin engine with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Double engine failure on a twin engine with Microsoft Flight Simulator.

A few minutes later, the second engine stops. The plane becomes a large glider. The clouds prevent a good view of the surrounding area, but we feel our altitude is sufficient to attempt an approach to the airport when the runway is in sight.

On final for Stockholm-Bromma airport with a double engine failure
On final for Stockholm-Bromma airport with a double engine failure

The flaps and landing gear will only be extended once we’re established on final and the aircraft is stabilized and certain of reaching the runway. Microsoft’s flight simulator doesn’t allow us to do just anything with an aircraft. If we exceed the aircraft’s structural capabilities when attempting to reach the airport, the flight will stop immediately.

On the ground at Stockholm-Bromma with a double engine failure on a Beechcraft 350I in flight simulation.
On the ground at Stockholm-Bromma with a double engine failure on a Beechcraft 350I in flight simulation.

The final approach and taxiing caused no problems. The aircraft gradually slows down until it comes to a complete stop on the runway. The poor air traffic controllers now have to apply Plan B to reorganize air traffic around the airport, with the main runway temporarily blocked.

Beechcraft maintenance hangar at the Stockholm-Bromma virtual airport
Beechcraft maintenance hangar at the Stockholm-Bromma virtual airport

Fortunately, Beechcraft offers maintenance services at Stockholm-Bromma airport. So, we’ll leave the aircraft for major repairs and find something faster for the next flight to Ukraine. Why not an F-14 Tomcat? It is not in military service anymore and thus its presence in the air should not worry too much.

P.S. This story is based on a real even that happened in Quebec several years ago. An acquaintance of mine (Paul B.) was scheduled to fly from the Val-d’Or airport (CYVO) to Rouyn-Noranda (CYUY) in a light twin-engine aircraft that hadn’t flown in a long time. Halfway between CYVO and CYUY, the first engine failed. The pilot decided to continue. With the runway in sight in the distance, the second engine stopped. The pilot hovered the aircraft and managed to land on route 117, just behind a large truck which accelerated to give way to the aircraft he could see descending in his rear-view mirror. The aircraft landed safely and without damages!

Click on the link for more flight simulator flights around the world on my blog.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 and the sailboat La Boulangère Bio.

Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 and the Château Frontenac
Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 and the Château Frontenac

Above, a view of Cap Diamant and the Château Frontenac as the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 gets underway. You can see the water jets and the Volendam, a cruise ship anchored at the Port of Quebec.

La Boulangère Bio sailboat on the St.Lawrence River during the Transat Québec St-Malo en 2024
La Boulangère Bio sailboat on the St.Lawrence River during the Transat Québec St-Malo en 2024

The photo above shows the sailboat La Boulangère Bio on the St. Lawrence River off Île d’Orléans. Skipper Amélie Grassi is originally from France, more specifically La Rochelle. She achieves excellent results in most of the races she takes part in.

In the background is the 150 MW Massif du Sud wind farm, which supplies electricity to Hydro-Québec.

Click on the links for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Summer and for photos of the province of Quebec on my blog.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Transat Quebec Saint-Malo 2024 and the Atlas Ocean Racing yacht.

The Atlas Ocean Racing sailboat during the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024
The Atlas Ocean Racing sailboat during the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024

This photo shows the Atlas Ocean Racing sailboat during the Transat Quebec Saint-Malo as it passes near Île d’Orléans near Quebec City. Skipper Gilles Barbot is a French Canadian of Breton origin who now lives in Montreal. All crew members are Canadian, from the province of Quebec.

The Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 observed from Île d'Orléans.
The Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 observed from Île d’Orléans.

Curious onlookers set up here and there along the south shore of Île d’Orléans to watch the sailboats that left Quebec City an hour ago.

Rotor clouds and lenticular clouds over the St.Lawrence River during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024.
Rotor clouds and lenticular clouds over the St.Lawrence River during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024.

Off Île d’Orléans, lenticular clouds and a small rotor cloud are visible. They are formed by strong wind aloft that is crossing the mountain range north of the St. Lawrence River.

P.S. After many days of racing, the results are now known. It is the Atlas Ocean Racing‘s team that arrived first in St-Malo, France.

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Summer as well as photos of the province of Quebec on my blog.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024 and the Martinique Tchalian.

The Martinique Tchalian sailboat and the Volendam during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024
The Martinique Tchalian sailboat and the Volendam during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024

Above, the sailboat Martinique Tchalian in the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024. Piloted by Jean-Yves Aglae, Jean-Marie Hervé and Moane Mangattale, the boat is off Île d’Orléans as the cruise ship Volendam approaches on its way to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

The Martinique Tchalian sailboat between the Alerce and the Frankopan during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024.
The Martinique Tchalian sailboat between the Alerce and the Frankopan during the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024.

Above, the Martinique Tchalian is in the area of Berthier-sur-Mer, near two ships, the Alerce (on the left in the photo) and the Frankopan. In this section of the St. Lawrence River, the channel is narrow, and ships must use it to sail upstream to the Great Lakes.

The Alerce is a bulk carrier heading for the Port of Quebec, from the Port of Jorf Lasfar (MA JFL) in Morocco. The Frankopan tanker left the Port of Sainte Victoire in Quebec (CA SVD) a few hours ago, and is heading for the Port of Houston in the USA (US HOU).  

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Summer and for photos of the province of Quebec on my blog.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Transat Québec St-Malo 2024 and cruise ships.

Sailboat and cruise ship Volendam on the St.Lawrence Seaway near Île d'Orléans during the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024.
Sailboat and cruise ship Volendam on the St.Lawrence Seaway near Île d’Orléans during the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024.

Marine traffic off Quebec City was blocked in anticipation of the departure of the Transat Québec Saint-Malo 2024. As soon as the sailboats got a head start, cargo and cruise ships summarized their operations on the St. Lawrence River. Pictured above is the Volendam rounding Île d’Orléans near Quebec City. It is heading for Charlottetown, capital of Prince Edward Island in Canada.

Its captain appears to put a little pressure on the captain of the sailing vessel ahead, but this is in fact an optical illusion caused by compressed perspective. In fact, I took the photo when the ship was still a long way off. I brought the subject closer using a Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS II USM lens, followed by a major crop from a 50.6 megapixel photo.

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Summer, as well as photos of the province of Quebec on my blog.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Thunderstorm at the start of the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024.

Thunderstorm at the start of the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024.
Thunderstorm at the start of the Transat Québec St-Malo 2024.

The tenth Transat Québec St-Malo on June 30, 2024 got underway with very unstable weather conditions, including a thunderstorm that forced a postponement of the start. While this weather temporarily disrupted the sailors’ plans, it delighted the photographers who came to capture the event. Above, a view of Quebec City taken from Île d’Orléans.

Click on the link for more photos of the province of Quebec and the Quebec City/Ile d’Orléans region in Summer on my blog.


The novel « Que notre joie demeure », by Kevin Lambert.

The novel "Que notre joie demeure" by Kevin Lambert.
The novel “Que notre joie demeure” by Kevin Lambert.

Kevin Lambert’s novel “Que notre joie demeure” caused a stir when it was published. While writing the book, the author allegedly consulted people to ensure that they would not be offended by the book’s content. Some saw this as a desire to be politically correct towards the various interest groups represented in the story.

Once the crisis has passed and the criticisms have been addressed, I must emphasize the excellence of the plot and the skill with which the writer transports us into the salons of the upper middle classes. The novel won the Prix Médicis 2023.

Through the open windows of a luxurious Montreal estate, we breeze into the world of the well-to-do and witness the attitudes, conversations and intrigues taking place throughout this social evening, where a renowned architect plays the starring role.

We take part in the life and story of this famous woman, who is planning the construction of a huge building in a less affluent part of Montreal. Where does she come from and how did she acquire her letters of nobility? How is a woman regarded in the architectural world, and what pitfalls does she still have to face to preserve her reputation in a male-dominated environment?

The story is a skilful presentation of the constraints faced by creators in Quebec, and especially in Montreal, when it comes to architecture. The new building will encroach on spaces long adopted by the less well-off. What role does information play, and how are pressure groups organizing to try and thwart the project in progress? What excesses can we expect?

The main character is going through a media storm at a time in her life when she’s approaching a well-deserved retirement. How does she see her contribution and how does she adjust, if at all?

The author maintains our interest from beginning to end, adopting a literary style that favors immersion. He also uses the feminine gender whenever possible.

Happy reading!

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Title: Let Our Joy Remain

Author: Kevin Lambert

Publisher: Héliotrope

© 2022

ISBN : 9 782 898 220 876

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

The parc national de la Jacques-Cartier in Spring (2)

Fishing in the Jacques-Cartier national park in Spring in Québec.
Fishing in the Jacques-Cartier national park in Spring in Québec.

A fisherman sits quietly in the river of the Jacques-Cartier national park  casting his line, while his companion watches from the shore. Here, everyone has as much space as they want to enjoy their hobby.

Some photographers use Photoshop’s “dehaze” function to keep the background sharp to infinity. I prefer to retain the natural feel of the scene. The violet-blue landscape visible at the top of the shot helps to capture the distance.

Forest in the Jacques-Cartier national park in Spring in Québec 2024.
Forest in the Jacques-Cartier national park in Spring in Québec 2024.

People prepare for their outing in the huge ancestral canoe known as a rabaska. In the foreground, but no longer visible in the photo, was originally a group of vacationers launching an inflatable raft. But all these people were distracting from the main subject. Tight framing eliminated this obstacle.

Nature in the Jacques-Cartier National Park in Québec.
Nature in the Jacques-Cartier National Park in Québec.

I use the frame-within-a-frame technique to present the multicolored reflections of the river in the photo above. There’s blue, orange and green, outlined by two vertical trunks on either side of the photo and an oblique branch at the top.

I use the same technique in the shot below, but in a less obvious way, as the frame in the foreground remains blurred. Attention is immediately drawn to the canoeists who are just finishing their trip and getting ready to dock.

Canoeing on the Jacques-Cartier river in Québec 2024
Canoeing on the Jacques-Cartier river in Québec 2024

Click on the link for more photos of the province of Quebec on my blog.

Photos of Quebec

The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie 2024

The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie returns every year to raise funds for the Fondation du Grand défi Pierre Lavoie, which supports many causes including research into orphan diseases.

Police blocking the traffic in Sillery before the arrival of the GDPL cyclists.
Police blocking the traffic in Sillery before the arrival of the GDPL cyclists.

Cyclists pay to take part in the challenge, and the public can also make a monetary contribution to support the riders. Participants benefit from fully protected circuits where car traffic would normally cause problems. Above, police officers prohibit access to cars as cyclists arrive on Avenue des Gouverneurs in Sillery, Quebec.

Cyclists arriving in Sillery at the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie 2024.
Cyclists arriving in Sillery at the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie 2024.
Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (GDPL) 2024 cyclists on avenue des Gouverneurs in Quebec City.
Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (GDPL) 2024 cyclists on avenue des Gouverneurs in Quebec City.
The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie 2024 cyclists in the Sillery sector in Quebec City.
The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie 2024 cyclists in the Sillery sector in Quebec City.

Cyclists take it in turns to cover a series of circuits totalling 1,000 kilometers in the Quebec City region over three days. Depending on the route chosen, the difference in altitude ranges from 199 metres to almost 900 metres.

Each route starts and finishes on the Université Laval grounds in Quebec City.

The first stage of the GDPL 2024 took place on June 14. It was only a 21-kilometre warm-up circuit, and I photographed the participants as they completed their journey and headed for their base camp at Université Laval. There are just 979 kilometers to go between now and the afternoon of June 16… 

Group of cyclists in the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (GDPL) 2024 in action at Québec.
Group of cyclists in the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (GDPL) 2024 in action at Québec.
GDPL 2024 cyclists wearing the Montreal Canadians hockey club jersey.
GDPL 2024 cyclists wearing the Montreal Canadians hockey club jersey.

Photos were taken with a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM lens.

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Spring on my blog.