Climbing from Iqaluit (CYFB) to Kangerlussuaq (BGSF)
For this second leg of the round-the-world flight simulation, the aircraft departs from Iqaluit (CYFB) in appalling weather conditions, but soon find itself above cloud and approaching an area of high pressure. The sky becomes increasingly clear as I approach runway 09 Kangerlussuaq (BGSF) in Greenland.
Virtual flights CYFB BGSF BIIS
The map shows the planned itinerary: departure from Iqaluit (CYFB), stopover in Kangerlussuaq (BGSF) and arrival at destination in Iceland, at Isafjordur airport (BIIS).
Cessna Citation Longitude on the final approach for the Kangerlussuaq virtual airport (BGSF)
Above, the approach to runway 09. You really need to be well prepared for a destination like BGSF. If the pilot arrives after the tower is closed, the fines are very steep. You can generally expect a little mechanical turbulence on the approach to Runway 09, as the mountains on either side of the aircraft change the airflow.
When I worked at the Iqaluit Flight Service Station (CYFB), many pilots would come up to the tower to plan their flight to BGSF. The most frequent problem was the closing time of the control tower in Kangerlussuaq. They knew that a hefty fine awaited them if they arrived late, often due to stronger-than-expected winds or a departure time that was too tight from Iqaluit. Most of the time, they chose to sleep in Iqaluit and leave the next day, rather than force the issue and end up with a $1500.00 bill to pay.
We also had pilots ferrying single-engine planes over the ocean from Europe to America. In this case, the weather had to be excellent, and the captain had to have the necessary equipment on board to attempt (and I do mean attempt) to survive in the ocean in the event of engine failure.
Cessna Longitude parked at Kangerlussuaq (BGSF)
Above, a partial view of Kangerlussuaq’s virtual airport (BGSF), with the Cessna Citation Longitude at a standstill. On the other side of the runway (invisible here), the airport receives military aircraft.
Climbing from (BGSF) Kangerlussuaq to (BIIS) Isafjordur
The next day, after a stopover in Kangerlussuaq, it’s time to continue on to Isafjordur. Take-off is on runway 27. The pitot tube heating system and icing protection are activated before entering the cloud layer.
Airborne from the Kangerlussuaq (BGSF) airport
Flying in real weather makes for unexpected screenshots.
The Cessna Longitude arrives over Iceland in flight simulation
Above, the relief of Iceland shortly before arrival at Isafjordur airport (BIIS). As expected, the sky is clear.
Approaching Isafjordur (BIIS) with the Asobo Cessna Citation Longitude
The approach to Isafjordur is demanding, especially when flying a jet like the Cessna Citation Longitude. You have to save extra speed in the sharp left turn to avoid stalling. I made the turn downhill at 160 knots to get to the runway threshold at the right height. Towards the end of the approach, as the angle of the turn decreases, you immediately reduce speed to around 135 knots.
The Cessna Citation Longitude exits the runway at the Isafjordur virtual airport (BIIS)
Contrary to real life, it is difficult to have a constant view on a runway when doing a virtual approach in a steep turn. A flight simmer would need 3D glasses to quickly look at the runway and then check the instruments. After two unsuccessful attempts where I found myself a little too high above the runway threshold, I nonetheless managed to land. The instrument panel indicated, however, that the brakes worked pretty hard to slow down the plane, which didn’t really surprise me. There are more relaxing approaches…
The next leg on this trip around the world will be a departure from Isafjordur to Vagar (EKVG) in the Feroe Islands.
The flight simulation with Microsoft Flight Simulator lets you fly over the planet like never before from the comfort of your own home. As airports around the world transmit weather observations at all times, it’s possible to import this data into the flight simulator and fly virtually in the real weather conditions reported around the globe.
This data enhances the feeling of reality for the virtual pilot, but at the same time complicates his task, as he has to take into account the presence of thunderstorms and icing, surface and upper-level winds, changes in cloud cover, visibility, pressure, and so on.
Today’s virtual pilot must also anticipate that failures of all kinds may affect the flight, especially if he or she owns a high-quality virtual aircraft. The engine(s) may fail, a structural problem may affect the aircraft’s controls and navigation equipment may cease to function. Good planning is essential, just as in real life. And since the brain doesn’t differentiate too much between the real and the virtual, there’s plenty of fun to be had.
So, I’ve decided to fly around the world as a millionaire, at my own pace, i.e., using the types of aircraft that tempt me, and flying the routes that are of particular interest. All of this will be done in real weather, with all its joys and obstacles. I’ll be publishing one of these routes on my blog from time to time.
The initial route departs from Quebec’s Jean-Lesage airport (CYQB), passes through Goose Bay (CYYR), in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, heads north to Kuujjuaq and ends in Iqaluit (CYFB).
Virtual Flight 2 will present a few photos of the Atlantic crossing from Iqaluit to Kangerlussuaq (BGSF) in Greenland, to Isafjordur (BIIS) in Iceland .
Isafjordur airport has a challenging approach. I don’t know if the Cessna Citation Longitude will be able to land there in one piece, but I intend to give it a try.
Virtual flight 1.
Virtual flights CYQB CYYR CYVP CYFB
Enroute from Quebec City (CYQB) to Goose Bay (CYYR)
Above, the setting sun illuminates the clouds and the Cessna Citation Longitude en route from Quebec City to Goose Bay. At high altitude, the pilot sets the altimeter to the standard atmospheric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury. Since all the other pilots are doing the same, a safe separation between the aircraft is ensured.
Approaching the Kuujjuaq airport (CYVP) in Quebec.
The next day, the aircraft is seen approaching Kuujjuaq (CYVP) in Nunavik. The altimeter is set to the airport’s atmospheric pressure to reflect the correct height of the runways in relation to the aircraft. Near the airport, the autopilot is disconnected, and the approach is made manually and visually. The desired speed is around 135 knots for the final.
Departing Kuujjuaq airport (CYVP) with the Cessna Citation Longitude
Above, the jet takes off from Kuujjuaq bound for Iqaluit (CYFB) on Baffin Island in Nunavut.
Enroute to Iqaluit airport (CYFB)
The setting sun illuminates the aircraft’s windows. The approach to Iqaluit has begun. The descent is gradual, so as not to cause discomfort to the virtual passengers…
On final for runway 34 of the Iqaluit airport (CYFB)
Above, the aircraft is on final for runway 34 at Iqaluit (CYFB).
The yellow Iqaluit flight service station (FSS) in Iqaluit (CYFB)
The first leg of our virtual flight around the world ends in Iqaluit, the airport where I worked for two and a half years as Flight Service Specialist (FSS) in the yellow tower on the left of the photo.
Flight service specialists at work at the Iqaluit flight service station in 1989
Above, a photo of the interior of the Flight Service Station at the time. One FSS worked on arrivals and departures at the airport, while the other handled transatlantic flights between Europe and mainly the western USA.
Cover page of the book Black Detroit by Herb Boyd.
As the author Herb Boyd writes, « this is the first book to consider black Detroit from a long view, in a full historical tableau. » (p.14). If you are looking for a significant black person that influenced Detroit’s history, he or she is in the book.
The author covers the arrival of Blacks in Detroit through the Underground Railroad the type of work they could find, the music they created, their need to have their own church to avoid racism, the work at Ford, the influence of trade unions, the poor housing conditions, etc.
Of course, there are several paragraphs on racism, police repression and useless violence, the problems caused by the KKK and how a few individuals dealt with it, the Smith Act, the American Civil War and the desire the end slavery, the presence of Rosa Parks in the city and Nelson Mandela’s visit in Detroit in 1990.
There is not only something on the past history and development of Detroit but also thoughts on the future of the city and how it will have to deal with the fact that there are so many people choosing to live in the suburbs instead of in Detroit itself.
Since the fight for equal rights, racism, police repression and the useless deaths of so many black individuals have continued to be an important problem in United States, I have chosen a few quotes from the book on those subjects.
I also chose a paragraph on Nelson Mandela’s visit in Detroit. When Nelson Mandela left United States to fly back to South Africa, his plane had to do a stopover in Iqaluit, in Canada’s Arctic. I was working as a flight service specialist (FSS) at Iqaluit in 1990, so I could see him and Winnie attending an official ceremony in the middle of the night at the airport’s terminal. You can read the real life stories in Iqaluit on my website.
Detroit and Canada.
« In 1795, Detroit was still under British jurisdiction, and the city was a de facto part of Upper Canada. » (p.22)
« Judge Woodward stipulated in a later ruling that if black Americans were to acquire freedom in Canada, they could not be returned to slavery in the United States. “Two of Denison’s children […] took advantage of this ruling by escaping to Canada for a few years and then returning to Detroit as free citizens”. Theirs was a landmark case and would be cited as a precedent in a number of appeals for emancipation by enslaved African Americans. (p.25)
The Smith Act
“The Smith Act, was written so that labor organization and agitation for equal rights could be construed as sedition and treason, the same as actually fighting to overthrow the government by force” (p.162)
Police repression and brutality
“[…] Twenty-five blacks had been killed in Detroit while in police custody in 1925, eight times the number killed under police supervision that year in New York City, whose black population was at least twice as large” (p.112)
“During STRESS’s (Stop the Robberies and Enjoy Safe Streets) first year as a death squad – cum – SWAT team [near 1970], the city’s police force had the highest number of civilian killings per capita of any American police department. During its three and a half years of existence, STRESS officers shot and killed 24 men, 22 of them African American.[…] Among the STRESS officers, none was as seemingly problematic as crew chief Raymond Peterson. Before he was assigned to STRESS, he had amassed a record number of complaints. During his first two years on the squad, he took part in nine killings and three nonfatal shootings. Bullets from Peterson’s gun killed five of the victims. No charges were brought in any of these cases.” (p.226-227)
The policeman Raymond Peterson and a murder charge in Detroit in the seventies.
“[Around 1999] gentrification was one thing to worry about, but police brutality was a far more menacing immediacy for young black Detroiters. They were keenly aware there was little mercy awaiting them from the police, nor from school conselors or employment agencies, and certainly not from the drug dealers” (p.292)
“[Around 2001] Detroit, according to reports from several local papers, had the highest number of fatal shootings among the nation’s largest cities” (p.300)
“Throughout the nation over the previous decade, from 1999 to 2009, gun violence had taken the lives of thousands of young black men and women, and hundreds of them were unarmed victims of unwarranted police violence. Few of these terrible tragedies were as heart-wrenching as the killing of seven-year-old Aiyana Jones by a police officer in May 2010. It was around midnight and Aiyana was asleep on the couch with her grandmother nearby watching television. Neither of them had time to react to the thud at the door nor the flash-bang grenade tossed into the living room by the police at the start of the raid.
Officer Joseph Weekley immediately began firing his MP5 submachine gun blindly through the window into the smoke and chaos. One of the bullets entered Aiyana’s head and exited through her neck. She was killed instantly. The SWAT team had come looking for a murder suspect who lived upstairs but left with only a dead child. […]. » (p.327-328).
“Ethelene Crockett, having raised three children, earned a medical degree from Howard University in 1942. She completed her internship at Detroit Receiving Hospital, and because no Detroit hospital would accept an African American woman physician, she did her residency in New York City. Finally in 1952, she was accepted at a hospital in Detroit, becoming the first black woman in her field of obstetrics and gynecology to practice in the state.” (p.163)
No middle-class for young blacks.
“With the traditional routes to middle-class success closed, young black Detroiters sought other means of survival, mainly via the underground economy.” (p.254)
Nelson Mandela in Detroit
“In the summer of 1990, Nelson Mandela toured the United States after spending twenty-seven years in prison. […] When Mandela and his wife, Winnie, emerged from the plane [in Detroit], one of the first people they recognized was Rosa Parks. Nelson Mandela stated that Parks had been his inspiration during the long years he was jailed on Robben Island and that her story had inspired South African freedom fighters’” (p.268).
Detroit’s future
“Most Detroiters live in neighborhoods, and in these areas, development is uneven. There are some flashes of improvement, but by and large, communities are still struggling with unemployment, crime, and low-achieving schools. Detroit is a city with large expanses of uninhabited land and is sprinkled with thirty-one thousand vacant and dilapidated houses. In various pockets throughout town, community-based organizations have worked tirelessly to maintain their respective areas against a tide of neglect and disinvestment. The current mayoral administration has tried to use an assortment of methods to arrest the decline of the neighborhoods, with moderate success. This gargantuan task has been assisted with massive aid from the Obama administration, but the city still has major hurdles ahead with a large poor, unskilled, and semiliterate population.” (p.342).
Click on the link for other books on the history of cities on my blog.
In 2002, the Quebec flight information center employees were advised that journalists had been authorized to film inside the Nav Canada installations.
In anticipation of the shooting, one of the flight service specialists went over the list of employees who would be working during the journalist’s visit. He phoned those employees and suggested an appropriate dress code. He was just trying to help. One of the employees that we will name Denis could not be contacted, but the message was nonetheless left to his wife.
The next day, just before the journalist’s visit, Denis arrived in the center. He entered the flight service station room and dryly demanded the name of the employee who phoned his wife to suggest a dress code for him. It just happened that this employee was facing him. Denis kind of lost his temper and ordered everyone to mind their own business. There was some tension in the air. It would not have been a good idea to contradict him…
Few hours later, during a coffee break, I found myself in the employee’s kitchen in company of Denis. He put a donut in the microwave and sat down in a corner by himself, waiting to hear the “beap” from the microwave, indicating that the donut was hot enough.
But from where he was sitting, Denis did not see that the donut was overheating. In fact, the donut was gradually changing color and shape and smoke was coming through all the microwave’s gaps it could find. For safety reasons, I was checking that the damages were limited only to the donut.
Overheating fat really makes a lot of smoke. Denis asked me: “Don’t you find that it smells of burning?” I answered positively. He added: “ But look, there is smoke near you!”
Realizing that I was not going to move, he stood up to find out what was going on. He soon discovered that the source of the smoke came from a deformed and darkened entity still turning on the tray. He shouted: “It’s my donut! It’s all burned! Why didn’t you tell me?” I could only reply: “ Just about an hour ago, you told us in no uncertain tone to mind our business. How can I know how you prefer your donut?!” Useless to say, this did not help in calming him down…
Click on the link for other real life stories at the Quebec flight information center on my blog.
A Bombardier CL-415 water bomber, property of the Government of Quebec, is being prepared for its flight towards Fort McMurray, May 2016
Quebec’s CL-415s helping out in Fort McMurray
On May 5th, 2016, according to what had been announced by the Government of Quebec, four CL-415s took off from the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB) heading to Fort McMurray, Alberta, to help in the fight against widespread forest fires in that province. It is the worst natural disaster that Canada has known in its history.
Preparing flight crews and aircrafts for such a long cross-country trip naturally demands much coordination from the SOPFEU (Society for the protection of forests against fires). Once they will have landed at the Fort McMurray airport, the pilots of those CL-415s will be under the direct command of the Albertan authorities in charge of fighting the wildfires, since the latter are best positioned to know exactly what the local needs are.
I figure that the flight service specialists (FSS) of the Nav Canada flight information center (FIC) in Edmonton must have quite busy days with the increased aerial activity associated with the numerous fires…
Crew members are walking towards the Government of Quebec CL-415; they will soon be airborne and heading to Fort McMurray in Alberta, to fight the forest fires (2016)
The picture above shows crew members heading towards their assigned aircraft. Once they start working in the Fort McMurray region, they will not only have to directly fight the forest fires but also head to sectors that have not yet been touched by fire and water the area thoroughly to prevent new wildfires.
A Government of Quebec CL-415 number 245 is taxiing at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport to take-off towards Fort McMurray, in Alberta, to help fight the out of control forest fires in that province during May 2016.
Taking pictures of propeller-driven aircrafts
A Bombardier CL-415 water bomber takes off from the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport heading to Fort McMurray, in Alberta, to help fight the forest fires (2016)
It is a bit touchy to photograph propeller-driven aircrafts while making sure that there is a sensation of movement. In a natural reflex to want to avoid blurred pictures, the photographer uses a shutter speed that corresponds to the focal used for the shot. In the case of the picture above, the focal was 400mm. But if a shutter speed of 1/400 had been used, the propellers would have been totally immobilized and the aircraft would have looked like its climbing while not using its engines.
It was necessary to reduce the speed to 1/160, thus increasing the risk of obtaining a blurred picture. In order to get both image sharpness and moving propellers visual effect, the photographer has to follow exactly the movement of the aircraft with the camera so that it looks totally immobile in the viewfinder. This asks for a bit of practice but allows for more realistic photos.
The CL-415 in a black and white photo
Black and white photo of a Bombardier CL-415 (C-GQBG) flying over Quebec City in 2015
The government of Canada helping out Alberta’s citizens
The government of Canada, under Justin Trudeau, has promised to match the amounts of money offered by all Canadians to the Red Cross society toward helping the Fort McMurray population.
Obviously, its contribution will not stop there (in fact, far from it), but the message is for the whole Canadian population to contribute generously to support the efforts of the Red Cross. It is already estimated that the material damages will reach at least nine billion dollars and that numerous years will be required to rebuild everything. The Liberal Party of Canada had built its political campaign around the need to invest for the renewal of infrastructures. With the Fort McMurray fires, there will be plenty of new unplanned expenses ahead.
More than 1,400 firemen are fighting the wildfires. So few, there has been very few lives lost, although “very few” is always too much. The crisis is, according to everyone, well managed by the government of Alberta.
At the time of writing, there was still no rain forecasted for days to come and the drought was also extending to the southern half of Saskatchewan and part of Manitoba. The winds were expected to increase, which would mean that even more resources would be needed in the near future to bring those wildfires under control.
It seems to me that the government of many Canadian provinces would benefit in acquiring new water bombers like the CL-415 to give them an increased margin of manoeuver that would allow them to react more quickly, if we take into account the tendency for the ever growing number and size of forest fires. In the picture below, the government of Quebec CL-415 number 247 is just airborne from Quebec to Fort McMurray.
A Bombardier CL-415 C-GQBK airborne from the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport heading to Fort McMurray, Alberta, in May 2016
The CL-215s will not head to Fort McMurray
While several CL-415s are leaving for Alberta, few water bombers, like the two Canadair CL-215s shown below, stay at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport in case of forest fires in the province and also to be used for the seasonal rehearsal needed for every pilot before they are dispatched across the province of Quebec.
Two Canadair CL-215 water bombers parked at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport in May 2016.
Global warming
Some people can say that global warming is not responsible for the increasing number of extended wildfires. They might be right, but I prefer to adopt a wider view than only what is going on in Alberta. Heat transfer between the north and south are now more extreme in order to equalize the temperatures around the globe. All means to reduce the difference in temperatures between the equator and the poles are at work and this causes increasing problems to particular regions.
The Kamloops region in British-Columbia, when numerous forest fires were raging 2014.
A powerful El Nino phenomenon, repetitive Omega blocks, the air circulation in different cells (Hadley, Ferrell, polar, Walker) all participate in the heat exchange. At a more reduced scale, we also regularly hear of cold and warm fronts in the meteorological forecasts.
It is certainly not local warm fronts that are responsible for the fact that a thinner layer of permafrost is unable to ensure the stability of Arctic runways anymore. Nor are fronts responsible for the fact that houses on stilts do not have a stable foundation anymore. Many heat records have been established these past years in northern Canada. There will certainly be large amounts of money to spend to rebuild the Nordic infrastructures.
Brush fires as soon as April in Alberta
This year, as soon as April, there were widespread brush fires in a region as north as Fort McMurray in Alberta because winter has not brought much snow to humidify the land during Spring. I thus wondered what would happen once in July. Albertans did not need to wait that long to get the answer.
Western Canada forest after a fire (2014)
The modelization of climatic changes indicates that, in the Fort McMurray region, the forest fire season is already fifteen days longer that it used to be. More heat might favor more droughts. But an increase in temperature also favors the development of thunderstorms and with them comes lighting that will start up new fires.
One thing is sure: insurance companies will not lose time with the different theories on global warming. The reinsurers (those who insure the insurance companies) have the obligation to limit their losses to stay afloat and premiums will quickly increase to answer to the thousands of claims following an increasing number of natural disasters.
Photos of the local air traffic in Quebec, just after the CL-415s departed to Fort McMurray
FedEx ATR 72-202F C-FTAR and Air Canada Express Bombardier DHC-8-Q-402NG (C-GIJZ) at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport in May 2016
At the Quebec airport, between the take offs of the four Bombardier CL-415 towards Fort McMurray, I was able to take few pictures of the local air traffic. In the photo above, it is possible to see a FedEx ATR 72 (C-FTAR) taxiing toward the ramp after a landing runway 06. An Air Canada Express Bombardier DHC-8-402 (Q-400) (C-GIJZ) was also being towed for is imminent departure.
ATAC’s Hawker Hunter N339AX
Being in luck, I was able to capture a Hawker Hunter (N339AX) belonging to the American company ATAC, just airborne from Quebec. As for any military jet, it is difficult to ignore them on take-off: the reactor’s noise is there to remind you of their presence…
A Hawker Hunter belonging to the american company ATAC is airborne from the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB), May 2016
A Hawker Hunter, from the american company ATAC, is airborne from the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB) in May 2016
The pictures above have been taken with a Canon 5D MKII camera, equipped with a telephoto lens Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS II USM with a polarizing filter and a Canon Extender EF 2X III which brought the focal length to 400 mm. Even then, more cropping was necessary to enlarge the aircraft since I was quite far away from the runway.
Wishing to ensure that the image was sharp (a blurred picture is more probable with a 400 mm focal length while the photographer attempts to follow a fast flying jet), I adjusted the shutter speed to 1/1600 and made sure that the automatic focus was set on AI servo.
I now realized that a slower speed could have worked a bit better since it would have allowed showing a blurred forest in the background while keeping the aircraft sharp. But it is not often that you have the opportunity to see a Hawker Hunter in flight these days and I played safe with the shutter speed. The ideal shot will be for another day…
CL-415s and CL-215s together in Quebec (2012 photo)
CL-415 and CL-215 water bombers belonging to the Gouvernment of Quebec. Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB) 2012
A last picture, taken few years ago, during autumn 2012, shows numerous water bombers CL-415 and CL-215 parked at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB). During the off- season, the water bombers are brought back to Quebec City from the different bases were they have been in operation during summertime.
For other articles on aviation and photography, click on the following link: Aviation photography
A souvenir photo in front of a Eurocopter EC120 Colibri (C-FCOS) at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (2015)
December 2013. Time for retirement had come. On my last working shift as a flight service specialist (FSS), I was able to share good memories of the past experiences as a Transport Canada and later Nav Canada employee. A shift supervisor had bought an excellent chocolate cake which was rapidly taken care of by the employees.
The next year, during an official retirement party including two other retirees, the Nav Canada flight information center (FIC) employees in Quebec City (CYQB) presented us with several gifts. I used the gift certificates to book a helicopter ride.
The pilot headed towards the Quebec Bridge then followed the St-Lawrence Seaway to Old Quebec. He then flew towards the Davie shipyard, Île d’Orléans, the Montmorency falls and then returned to the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport. During the flight, we were able to witness the arrival of the Queen Mary II cruise ship in Old Quebec. Here are some pictures that I took during the flight:
Samuel-de-Champlain promenade and St-Lawrence Seaway in 2015
The Queen Mary II passing by Île d’Orléans enroute to Quebec in 2015
The Château Frontenac, Dufferin Terrace and a small part of Old Quebec in 2015
Davie shipyard in Quebec (2015)
Orleans Island and St-Lawrence Seaway, Quebec, 2015
Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport in 2015. The Nav Canada installations are visible (control tower and flight information center (FIC))
I hope you liked the real life stories as pilot, flight instructor, Transport Canada student and flight service specialist in Inukjuak, Rouyn-Noranda, Iqaluit and Quebec City, as well as FSS for Nav Canada at the flight information center in Quebec City. I have included all the stories and photos on my web site , in the following “real life stories” sections:
There were naturally many more stories that would have deserved to be written but, due to their particular nature, those stories had to stay confidential.
Thanks for the encouragements and comments shared in person or via electronic communication.
N.B.: All the articles published on the web site are under copyright protection. All rights reserved. Thanks for your understanding.
A roll arcus cloud in development ahead of a thunderstorm approaching the Quebec Jean-Lesage airport in 2012.
Summer 2012. A very active cold front had been sweeping across the province and was about to hit the Québec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB). Considering the winds and the temperature spread, as well as the weather radar, it was obvious that it would be a very interesting show.
The Nav Canada control tower and flight information center (FIC) being collocated, the common stairway surrounding the tower became a privileged spot from where to take pictures. As a flight service specialist (FSS) on a short morning break, I grabbed my camera and headed outside on the stairway, just in time to see a line of roll arcus clouds arrive over the mountains to the north-west.
A roll arcus cloud ahead of a thunderstorm heading for Quebec City in 2012
The first showers started, quickly followed by strong gusty winds and hail. In order to protect myself from the severe weather, I just had to slightly change position on the stairway and use the tower as a shield. Satisfied with my shots, I abandoned my observation post and let Mother Nature express herself.
A roll arcus cloud in development ahead of a thunderstorm approaching the Quebec Jean-Lesage airport in 2012.
An arcus cloud ahead of a thunderstorm approaching the Quebec Jean-Lesage airport in 2012
An arcus roll cloud in delopment near the Quebec Jean-Lesage airport in 2012
The hot air balloon C-FNHP is being inflated at the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu festival in 2012
The Nav Canada flight service specialists (FSS) working at the flight information center (FIC) at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB) regularly receive telephone calls from hot air balloon pilots preparing their next flight. Actual and forecasted wind conditions are important, be it on the ground or in the air. But the FSS must also take into account the slightest possibility of a rain shower that would wet the balloon’s envelope, the variation in the convection according to the time of the day which would then affect the winds, the local effects, etc.
Although it is interesting to brief a hot air balloon pilot on the telephone, it is far better to witness their activity when getting ready for a flight. And the effect is even more striking when you position yourself in the middle of a field where more than a hundred hot air balloons lift altogether.
A first group of hot air balloons are autorized to lift at the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu festival in 2012
Summer 2012. A beautiful day was expected in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Blue sky and calm winds were forecasted for the evening. There would certainly be photo opportunities (Canon 5D MKII).
The field where the balloons were being prepared was fenced, but there were here and there openings and it seemed possible to enter the area without attracting too much attention. I made an attempt and could rapidly live the frenzy associated with the preparation and launch of more than one hundred hot air balloons.
Rising hot air balloons in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu in 2012
The balloons progressively took shape and it became possible to see their designs and superb colours. Each team was taking care of the last details that ensure a synchronized launch when the signal would be given. The organizer eventually gave the go ahead signal and the hot air balloons all lifted up within a very short time span. This was a magnificent show!
Hot air ballons at the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Festival in 2012
Visitors at the 2012 St-Jean-sur-Richelieu hot air balloons festival
Few years earlier, during summer 2005, a hot air balloon had flown over our house in Quebec City at about one hundred feet. This was not a normal situation to witness that balloon slowly lose altitude and get closer to electrical wires. I had taken my bike and followed the balloon since it became obvious that the pilot was trying to land, possibly short of propane gas.
The pilot did not have an easy task, flying low over the city streets, close to the wires and other obstacles. The passengers must have been wondering what would be the issue of that flight. Arriving near a school, the pilot had seen a small parking lot and tried to land there, avoiding the church steeple on the other side of the street.
We were few citizens to hang to the basket and immobilize it while the balloon’s envelope was slowly deflating. I was able to take a shot of that unusual balloon’s approach…
Hot air balloon landing on a Quebec City street in 2005
Nav Canada control tower with, in the foreground, several CL-215 and Cl-415, a Nav Canada Challenger, and an Air Transat Airbus at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB).
On a stormy summer day, Air Canada called the Nav Canada flight information center (FIC) at the Quebec Jean-Lesage international airport (CYQB) on the Montreal frequency. The pilot was flying an Airbus and was about to take-off from the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau international airport to Halifax, but there was violent weather that had to be avoided.
Normally, big airlines have their own briefing and flight planning services. However, rapidly changing weather sometimes requires last minute adjustments. In the case of the Air Canada flight, severe thunderstorms forbid a direct path from Montreal to Halifax. The pilot was looking for the best option: go around the thunderstorms by flying north over Mont-Joli then eastward to Halifax or fly southward to United States then head east to Halifax.
Both solutions were possible but the objective was to pick the route that would diminish the pilot’s chances to have to divert to an alternate airport.
Radar imagery became the essential tool to propose a solution. Knowing the time lapse between two images, it was possible to evaluate the weather system’s speed. By calculating what was the distance left for the system to arrive in Halifax, and knowing the system’s speed, the flight service specialist (FSS) was able to estimate as precisely as possible the time when the thunderstorms would move over the destination airport.
The pilot having calculated the estimated time of arrival to Halifax for both the south and north routes, and now knowing at what time the weather system would be over Halifax, he understood that the best option was the southern route through United States. If there was no last minute modification in the system’s speed, he would be able to land in Halifax between twenty and thirty minutes before the first thunderstorm cells arrive over the airport.
It is fairly uncommon to receive an official feedback from the pilot of a big company like Air Canada. But the next day, surprising the flight service specialist (FSS), the pilot called back, presenting himself as the one who had made a flight from Montreal to Halifax the precedent day. He wanted to thank the FSS who had helped him in his decision making since, as he said it, the route via the United States had been a success and he was able to land his Airbus thirty minutes before the arrival of the thunderstorms. That kind of call certainly helps any employee to start a working day on the good foot…!
The Nav Canada flight information center (FIC) in Quebec City (CYQB) does not normally take calls from the general public since air traffic services are centered on the needs of pilots.
But a particularly urgent situation sometimes dictate a more flexible approach. I remember a telephone call we received on the 800 line, during a very hot summer day of 2007. A worker in charge of the installation of dynamite in a mine in the Abitibi region told the flight service specialist (FSS) that he was working for a big company and that an important blasting operation was to be undertaken soon. He was in the middle of the blasting site, having just completed the installation of the detonators and explosives on the whole area.
He was wondering if there could be something he did not know about the weather since there were very dark clouds coming his way. The flight information center FSS was aware of the meteorological situation in Abitibi, and it was certainly not appropriate for a blasting operation. The caller was told that gigantic thunderstorm cells were forming in his sector and that the lightning detectors were already recording hundreds of strikes.
His actual position, in the middle of detonators and dynamite, was certainly problematic, to say the least. Without asking anything else, he told us that he was getting out of the site quickly…