
A new novel by Régis Jauffret : « Dans le ventre de Klara ».

Novel cover "Dans le ventre de Klara" by Régis Jauffret
Novel cover “Dans le ventre de Klara” by Régis Jauffret

[For the presentation of this book published in French, I did my best to translate some sentences in English, but a professional translation would have better reflect the quality of Régis Jauffret’s writing].

In July 1888, around Saint James’s Day, Uncle made me pregnant”. So begins Régis Jauffret‘s novel “Dans le ventre de Klara” (In Klara’s Belly) , that master of punchlines and synthesis. The Klara in question is Klara Hitler, who at the time of the story is carrying within her an Adolf Hitler already capable of infusing her on occasion with visions of the disaster he would orchestrate years later.

The author has found a unique way to position Klara’s terrible premonitions in the text. They are suddenly imposed in the midst of the mother-to-be’s daily reveries, often right in the middle of a paragraph or sentence.

In this tale of fact and fiction, the wife must stay in her place and hope for nothing. The writer has Klara say: “I’m afflicted with the mania of hoping for something other than my fate“. The husband decides everything. The local church’s confessor would love to have as much control as the spouse, but this proves more difficult than expected. The husband and abbot are a good example of the excessive power they wield over women in this era. A military officer with little combat experience who dictates his conduct to his wife as if she were a soldier, and a fanatical abbot who imposes the arbitrary rules of a sickening religion, enslaving women and imposing his dogmas on couples from a distance.

Back cover of the novel "Dans le ventre de Klara" by Régis Jauffret
Back cover of the novel “Dans le ventre de Klara” by Régis Jauffret

Speaking of God and women, the author writes: “A Christian woman must bear children, help to populate the Earth He has given us as a theater for our sins”. And when Klara finds herself back in the confessional and being chastised by the priest: “Far from the voice of Christ gone, it was now Abbé Probst who was busy putting me through the wringer of language. Sentences as long as straps. Words as heavy and blunt as bludgeons. Subtle, sharp words, in places bristling with reddened spikes. Punctuation like broken glass […].” You get the idea…

I particularly appreciate Régis Jauffret’s writing, having read many of his works, including “La ballade de Rikers Island“, “Le dernier bain de Gustave Flaubert“, “Papa” and the three volumes entitled Microfictions, published respectively in 2007, 2018 and 2022. He even won the Goncourt short story award for the 2018 edition.

Régis Jauffret explains the intention behind his latest novel in a video on Youtube, if you’re interested in digging deeper into the subject.

Happy reading!

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Title: Dans le ventre de Klara

Author: Régis Jauffret

Publisher: Récamier

© Régis Jauffret and Editions Récamier, 2024

ISBN : 978-2-38577-057-0

Graphic novels and comics

Graphic novel : Le piège américain (The American Trap).

The graphic novel "Le piège américain".
The graphic novel “Le piège américain”.

Frédéric Pierucci is a senior executive at Alstom, a gigantic French energy company. Thanks to a US extraterritorial law (FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) which allows the US government to prosecute any foreign firm targeted for corruption, he was arbitrarily arrested in 2013 as he got off the plane in New York.

Pierucci had not received any money from these operations, but he was aware that Alstom was targeted for embezzlement and that the company used “intermediaries” to secure contracts. He was incarcerated for months, and Alstom finally abandoned him, believing that the Americans would be satisfied with the imprisonment of this high-ranking executive. Pierucci must now try to extricate himself from the quagmire into which he has been plunged.

A page of the graphic novel "Le piège américain".
A page of the graphic novel “Le piège américain”.

Even if he is not directly implicated in the bribes, the American justice system wants to pressure Pierucci into revealing details that would incriminate Alstom’s management, including CEO Patrick Kron.   Pierucci’s harsh judicial treatment is also intended to intimidate the firm’s other top executives, showing them what awaits them if they do not cooperate in rectifying past mistakes.

The primary aim seemed to correct unfair schemes that were damaging American companies and, by the same token, to obtain very substantial monetary compensation. The operation was a success: the effects of Pierucci’s arbitrary arrest paved the way within a few years for the sale of a strategic Alstom subsidiary to General Electric, its main competitor.

Back cover of the graphic novel "Le piège américain".
Back cover of the graphic novel “Le piège américain”.

The maneuvers also allow to obtain information that would otherwise remain confidential. This U.S. extraterritorial law works well and is used to attack numerous corporations around the world, including the German international group Siemens. Each time, the offender is obliged to pay substantial fines and must submit internal documents considered confidential or even secret to the prosecutor.

It’s hard to know who exactly will have access to these documents. Is it possible that agents (we won’t call them “spies” for the sake of politeness) are passing on trade-secret information to people working outside the U.S. Justice Department? Such actions would enable American companies to improve their competitiveness at little cost. But these are questions that the executives of the targeted companies are asking themselves.

Be that as it may, not everything in this story is squeaky clean. Author Matthieu Aron writes: “In autumn 2018, after Frédéric [Pierucci] was finally released, we finished our book. But again, it was not without difficulty. The day after we sent our manuscript to our publisher, my home was ‘visited’ and my computer disappeared. Simple burglars, spooks, or action by a foreign service? We’ll probably never know.”

The graphic novel "Le piège américain", prix littéraire nouveaux droits de l'homme 2019.
The graphic novel “Le piège américain”, prix littéraire nouveaux droits de l’homme 2019.

My view on the subject.

China is watching and learning.

The effectiveness of this American extraterritorial law has not escaped the attention of China, which is planning to devise a similar law that would allow it to lay its hands on otherwise inaccessible information and archives.

Faced with these two behemoths, the United States and China, Europe has fallen behind, and it too will have to create its own law enabling it to extend its judicial power outside the continent. For no one is fooled: bribes to obtain contracts involve multiple countries. Prosecutions under extraterritorial legislation give access not only to large sums of money, but also to documents containing important data and possibly industrial secrets.

Another book on the graphic novel "Le piège américain".
Another book on the graphic novel “Le piège américain”.

The Alstom experience will at least have had the effect of better preparing France for the moment when, a little later, the giant Airbus   was targeted for malfeasance by the same American law. Airbus manufactures not only airplanes, but also many strategic military products protected by secrecy. This time, the widespread collection of the company’s confidential information was refused, without a French citizen being named as intermediary and the documents handed over to the Americans being reviewed to ensure that they did not contain military secrets or other information not directly related to the corruption charges.

Today, Airbus is a great success, selling more aircraft each month than Boeing, which is experiencing difficulties with the way it builds its aircraft. And we have every right to believe that senior management at Airbus has improved its business practices.

Click on the link for more graphic novels and comics on my blog.

Title: Le piège américain — Les dessous de l’affaire Alstom (The American Trap, in the English version)

Authors: Matthieu Aron, Frédéric Pierucci

Drawing and color: Hervé Duphot

Publisher: Delcourt/Encrages © 2021

ISBN : 978-2-413-03738-5

Graphic novels and comics

Comics : 13h17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter

The comics " 13h17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter".
The comics ” 13h17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter”.

When you’ve got nothing left to lose, you can take all the risks…”. This is the sentence [translated] on the back of the comic strip “13 h 17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter” (13:17 in the life of Jonathan Lassiter), which best sums up this French-language work published in 2023.

Jonathan Lassiter works as an insurance agent in Keanway, a small, remote town in Nebraska. Overnight, his wife leaves him, he loses his job and his wallet is stolen. In short, his life suddenly takes an unexpected turn. He has two choices: either he feels sorry for himself, or he changes. His chance encounter with Edward, a “distinguished, cultured and cynical” man, forces him to take a stand.

It was the quality of the graphics that caught my eye. This isn’t one of those publications where you wonder whether the design can be done in a month, and which pretends to be original through the absence of detail, and therefore of work. A great deal of effort went into this album, and it shows at first glance.

Back cover of the comic strip "13h17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter".
Back cover of the comic strip “13h17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter”.

It’s got it all: the judicious choice of angles, the refined, masterful drawing, the skilful maintenance of atmosphere through well-dosed, under-saturated colors, the well-crafted script. This comic strip keeps the reader’s interest from start to finish, with no downtime. 

The main character reminded me of the famous actor Vincent Price.

Vincent Price
Vincent Price

Click on the link for other graphic novels and comics on my blog.

Title: 13 h 17 dans la vie de Jonathan Lassiter

Author : Éric Stalner

© 2023 Bamboo Edition

ISBN : 978-2-8189-9880-9

Photos of Europe Photos of Quebec

In the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

Parisians chat in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower
Parisians chat in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower

Ten years ago this year, I took this photo of Parisian life in relaxation mode. I wasn’t interested in the main subject that we find on every postcard, but in the normal parallel life of citizens living close to such a well-known tourist attraction.

In the photo above, these Parisians are taking it easy on their barge moored along the Seine, in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

A relax evening for local citizens living near the Château Frontenac.
A relax evening for local citizens living near the Château Frontenac.

The same is true for Quebec City residents living near the Château Frontenac. They find a way to reserve a little peace and quiet for themselves, away from the tourists, quietly seated on their verandas at the end of the day.

Click on the links for more photos of Europe or Québec City and île d’Orléans on my blog.

Graphic novels and comics

A Graphic Novel: La disparition de Josef Mengele

The graphic novel "La disparition de Josef Mengele"
The graphic novel “La disparition de Josef Mengele”

This new graphic novel is based on the non-fiction novel “The Disappearance of Josef Mengele” which was translated into 25 languages.

The graphic novel “La disparition de Josef Mengele” is a wonderful surprise for me, both in terms of the scenario and the graphics. Anyone interested in true stories will devour this book as it represents a goldmine of astonishing information on the life, or rather the survival, of the Nazi criminal in Latin America.

Who provides him with the money he needs? How does he protect himself? Does he lead the existence of a pasha? How does he behave abroad? Does his thinking on race show any sign of evolution, or is it still sclerotic? Why does Argentina encourage the arrival of these fugitive assassins?

For the general public, there are two categories of National Socialist    criminals: the first concerns the names that received most media coverage at the Nuremberg Tribunal. The second involves Nazi criminals who fled abroad, thanks to political or family support. Josef Mengele belongs to both groups. He is holed up in Latin America and knows that several organizations are seriously looking for him, including Mossad.

How does he remain roaming for so long? It soon becomes clear that the Mossad is not only concentrating on Nazi criminals on the run. The book introduces us to some other priorities for the agency, one of which is very urgent: the elimination of former German scientists working in Egypt to create radioactive waste weapons designed to destroy Israel. The secret services must choose between Mengele, a past threat, or a more immediate danger. With limited resources, they have to adjust and deal with the most pressing situation.

Nazis were integrated into the new German government.

There is, however, a third category that the public has heard very little about, and which is also discussed in the graphic novel: these are Nazis who rejoined the new German government a few years after the end of the Second World War.

Indeed, the Allied powers of the time – the USA, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union – administered the occupation zones of the German territory after the Second World War. But tensions between East and West grew rapidly. Each side accused the other of imperialist or communist expansionism.

To offer a better-organized resistance to the Soviet Union, Germany’s autonomy had to be quickly restored. The former Nazis had experience of governance that was immediately available.

If the Allies adopted the clear-cut position of preventing the Nazis from attaining essential functions in the public apparatus of the future Bonn Republic, then people with little or no knowledge had to be trained to carry out the more complex tasks. Time was short, as was the will to bring all possible war criminals to justice.

So, many Nazis found work in government agencies. One thing led to another, and some of these former Nazis recycled as government agents became part of the inner circle protecting the most prominent war criminals who had fled abroad. Josef Mengele benefited from this high-level support.

But several additional Germans, also in high places, acted in the opposite direction, striving to flush out the biggest criminals, at the risk of their own health and safety. One such person is introduced in the book: Fritz Bauer. This man contacted Mossad with information that eventually help to capture Adolf Eichmann. The latter went on trial in Israel and sentenced to hanging.

Eichmann and Mengele meet each other.
Eichmann and Mengele meet each other.

Mengele reads the newspapers and suspects that his end will resemble that of Eichmann. The graphic novel shows him as a hunted animal, talking to himself. His racist, backward-looking words drive away the individuals who could support him most in the last years of his life. He withered slowly and died on a beach in Brazil. But it was not officially known until 1985.

The book covers a period of several decades. It features a brief summary of Mengele’s actions as a doctor at Auschwitz. He is not alone, even if he remains very high-profile to the general public. A large number of scientific assistants carried out experiments on humans, including one who became rector of the University of Münster after the end of the Second World War.

The authors mention in passing the idea of a Fourth Reich pursued by Mengele and his ilk. In short, readers won’t get bored with this skilfully constructed graphic novel.

Click on the link for other graphic novels and comics on my blog.

Title: La disparition de Josef Mengele

Authors: Olivier Guez and Matz-Jörg Mailliet

Edition : Les Arènes, Paris, 2022

ISBN : 979-10-375-0714-3

Graphic novels and comics

Graphic novel :  MBS – L’enfant terrible d’Arabie Saoudite.

Graphic novel "MBS, l'enfant terrible d'Arabie Saoudite"
Graphic novel “MBS, l’enfant terrible d’Arabie Saoudite”

When they hear the name Mohammed Ben Salmane (MBS), most people don’t react, as they can’t associate him with anything. If they are told that it was he who had a journalist cut up into small pieces and stuffed into garbage bags in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey, it resonates more.

The graphic novel “MBS— L’enfant terrible d’Arabie Saoudite” introduces us to the life of this implacable ruler who tries to forge links with the great powers. By negotiating his support with the United States, RussiaChina, India, or France, he seeks to position his country as a major player on the world stage.

The book is also a very interesting first approach to the history of Saudi Arabia, especially with regards to the Saud family and its reign. We realize the importance of alliances and radical decisions by MBS if he wishes to attain supreme power and hold to it.

Back cover of the graphic novel: MBS L'enfant terrible d'Arabie Saoudite
Back cover of the graphic novel: MBS L’enfant terrible d’Arabie Saoudite

Domestic and regional stability remains a top priority for MBS. Even if he wants to modernize society and appeal to young individuals, he must at the same time avoid upsetting the Wahhabi clerics too much. The latter enjoy ancestral prestige and have a marked influence on the way people behave and think.

When it comes to imposing his ideas, MBS hasn’t invented a thing. Like most rulers of the world’s major countries, he has learned to use the media and spares no expense to achieve the desired results.

Top managers of intelligence and news organizations know very well the limits within which they can operate. You won’t see any photos of MBS spouses, or articles that would enlighten the public about the nightlife of the leader and his friends.

This graphic novel maintains interest by interspersing surprising anecdotes with pertinent information accessible to all. As the back cover of the book states, “This ambitious prince happens to be our ally in the Middle East  : oil, the fight against terrorism, Arab-Israeli peace, arms sales … we need him. But what price will we pay?”

Click on the link for more graphic novels and comics on my blog.

Title: MBS— L’enfant terrible d’Arabie Saoudite

Authors: Antoine Vitkine and Christophe Girard

Publisher: Steinkis/Les Escales

© 2023

ISBN: 978-2-365696-88-3


“Papa” by Régis Jauffret

The novel "Papa" by Régis Jauffret.
The novel “Papa” by Régis Jauffret.

Both Sorj Chalandon, in his novel “Enfant de salaud”, and Régis Jauffret in “Papa” try to grasp the enigmatic personality of their father. Sorj Chalandon’s father is said to have been a Resistance fighter and a traitor at the same time, while Régis Jauffret’s father is said to have been filmed coming out of a Gestapo interrogation session, terror on his face. Where does the truth lie? Who are these fathers really?

In a previous text, I presented the book “Enfant de salaud”. Now it’s the turn of the novel “Papa” by Régis Jauffret.

As one might expect with Régis Jauffret, the writing style differs radically. The author is the winner of the Goncourt short story prize (2018) for his novel “Microfictions 2018”. His sense of synthesis, black humour and even cynicism makes this return to the father’s past a literary as well as historical adventure. The reader quickly understands that the author takes pleasure in presenting his discoveries. He even adds a bit of fiction when necessary.

True to my habit when it comes to Régis Jauffret, I will present his book through selected quotes. Indeed, the interest of the book lies as much in the content as in the way Régis expresses himself to enlighten his subject. Here are a few quotes (translated as best as possible) that may help to grasp the tone of the book:

I took communion.

Someone pointed out to me on the way out that I wasn’t a believer.

   – That’s right, a wafer or chips.

      I smiled, but after this blasphemy I was not very happy. When you have been educated religiously, you always keep the terror of God in the back of your mind”

“He had just had a stroke which, far from handicapping him, seemed to have cheered him up”.

“She told me that the moisture had blown away the veneer [of the coffin]. All that was left was a box of blackened boards. I wasn’t in a good enough mood to call the funeral home lady to invoke the eternal guarantee that such metaphysical products undoubtedly enjoy”.

“One of those happy memories that make you feel good that you never went to a gun shop to buy something to shoot yourself in the head”.

“Alfred was instructed to clench his teeth during coitus without sighing, while she remained as stoic as when the dentist teased one of her molars with the tip of his drill without anesthesia”.

“Through the vast copper bell of a gramophone perched on a pedestal whose statue had been stolen, Édith Piaf shouted ‘J’ai dansé avec l’amour’ (I danced with love) while the cries of the martyrs rose from the basement”.

“Writing about oneself is a form of incontinence”.

“We are condescending to deaf people without status or talent, but we prefer to deal with them sparingly. When you haven’t seen them soon enough to have hidden behind a construction machine or a bulky man, you greet them from afar as you walk away”.

“If I had not seen these images, you would have remained in the sewers of my memory”.

“If I last as long as Madeleine, I will be a centenarian who will unexpectedly ruminate on his father in his dried-up brain like a currant while an orderly built like a colossus swings my emaciated body in the air to change my diaper”.

“Pitiful descendant of protozoa that have become multicellular beings with brains, humanity has no reason to show off”.

“It is heroic in times of war to assume the role of the executioner, even if it means being wrong sometimes, because in extreme situations doubt never benefits the accused”.

“He talked from morning to night. Anyone he met on the street was showered with language like a careless person on a pier on a stormy day by a surge of water. In his office, everyone was soaked. So much so that people ran away from him, but he always managed to find someone who was kind enough to let himself be flooded”.

“I never heard him talk about his day either. The weather had been fine, it had snowed, it had rained, a chamois had crossed the trail in a tail, a man hit by a storm had burst into flames, a lady had fallen into a crevasse while singing a cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach”.

“During this time, Jean-Jacques and Honoré undertook the sisters red as blue meat to find themselves in the presence of two boys whose pants in the fashion of the time moulded the genital apparatus of which they dreaded in advance the sting”.

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Title : Papa

Author : Régis Jauffret

Editions : Roman/Seuil, 2020.

ISBN : 978-2-02-145035-4

Novels War

Enfant de salaud

Novel "Enfand de salaud" by Sorj Chalandon
Novel “Enfand de salaud” by Sorj Chalandon

Enfant de salaud” means “Bastard’s child” in English. Author Sorj Chalandon is a journalist and worked for decades for the French newspapers Liberation and Canard Enchaîné. During his career, he received numerous awards: Albert-Londres (1988), Médicis (2006), Grand Prix de l’Académie française (2011), Goncourt des lycéens (2013) and most recently Goncourt 2021 des lecteurs de 20 Minutes .

Enfant de salaud” is the true story of the author who tries to shed light on his father’s extremely nebulous past during World War II, in the German-occupied France.

Having had access to official archives, he gradually discovers that his father went through the war by enlisting in five armies, which he all deserted. He served the enemy in every way, but always made sure that the few things he was doing for Francewere listed somewhere in case of an investigation after the war.

The head of the Sûreté nationale de Lille who questioned the father after the war said of him: “This individual is a liar endowed with an astonishing imagination. He must be considered very dangerous and treated as such.”

Between the reflections and the discoveries of the son on the past and the psychology of the father, the reader participates in parallel to the trial of Klaus Barbie , psychopath and great war criminal, who died in prison in France in 1991. Passages of the book are blood curdling, although we know what to expect when it comes to Nazis, SS and members of the Gestapo.

When the survivor Isaac Lathermann takes the stand during the Barbie trial, he announces: “[in the concentration camps], at breast height, there was no more bark on the trees, everything had been eaten. No more grass either. Eaten too.” (p. 238)

The reader discovers the resistant Lise Lesèvre who, even tortured by Klaus Barbie for days, doesn’t give up a single name: a phenomenal example of courage and patriotism.

Enfant de salaud” is the author’s decades-long inner journey. The fact that he relates a real-life story further reinforces the intensity of the narrative.


Title: Enfant de salaud

Author: Sorj Chalandon

Edition: Grasset et Fasquelle, 2021

ISBN: 978-2-246-82815-0

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Click on the link for other books on war on my blog.

Flight Simulation Screen captures

A few Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 screenshots.

Below are a few Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MFS 2020) screen captures taken during virtual flights.

Le Mont St-Michel en France, sous MFS 2020.
Le Mont St-Michel en France, sous MFS 2020.

Mont St-Michel is a very nice addition to the France virtual scenery provided by MFS 2020. Such great sites can be found in many places in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 program, but many more are also available for free through the flight simulation community : they can then be downloaded and installed in MFS 2020, thus ever improving the overall experience.

Heading to KLAX from KBUR with a TBM 930 on the flight simulator MFS 2020.
Heading to KLAX from KBUR with a TBM 930 on the flight simulator MFS 2020.

The haze is quite present in the Los Angeles area and adds to the realism in the screenshot above. The FedEx livery comes from « Liveries Mega Pack Manager ».

Puerto Vallarta with MFS 2020 and improved scenery by John Lovell
Puerto Vallarta with MFS 2020 and improved scenery by John Lovell

The Icon A5 Kingfisher is seen flying along the Puerto Vallarta coast in Mexico. The scenery was hugely improved by John Lovell and is available through But it will require 5 GiG on your hard disk!

The Burbank Bob Hope (KBUR) modelized by Orbx on the flight simulator MFS 2020.
The Burbank Bob Hope (KBUR) modelized by Orbx on the flight simulator MFS 2020.

The picture above shows a small part of the Burbank Bob Hope airport (KBUR) modelized by Orbx. The screen capture was taken with the X-Box drone. This drone is a fantastic addition to what is now available to flight simulation enthousiasts when comes the time to bring back souvenirs from a flight.

Heading to Iqaluit with the flight simulator MFS 2020.
Heading to Iqaluit with the flight simulator MFS 2020.

Enroute to Iqaluit (CYFB), the jet just got out of the cloud deck and some rime icing is still visible on the nose and the wing’s leading edge. That evening, there was a sigmet reporting high level turbulence and it is exactly what I experienced during the flight, using REX Weather Force 2020 as a weather engine.

I’ll be back with more flight simulation screen captures soon. Meanwhile, have a good virtual flight!

Click on the following link for virtual flight simulation pictures on my blog.

Flight Simulation

The regional jet CRJ-900ER and CRJ-700ER by Digital Aviation and Aerosoft

The reason for the delays and the positive side for the consumers

A virtual Bombardier regional jet CRJ-900ER (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors is climbing after its departure from the Valdez virtual airport in Alaska (ORBX).
A virtual Bombardier regional jet CRJ-900ER (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors is climbing after its departure from the Valdez virtual airport in Alaska (ORBX).

Digital Aviation & Aerosoft have finally completed their long awaited project to make a virtual CRJ-900ER and CRJ-700ER Bombardier regional jets. Months later than expected, the flight simulation enthusiasts can now try those two new virtual aircrafts. The CRJ is mostly used to link smaller airports and remote areas to the main hubs. The aircraft can rapidly reach its cruising altitude and stay there a long time, but it is not intended to be a really fast aircraft.

The company explains that, since the beginning, it had underestimated the complexity of the project and, because of ongoing delays, ended up having to catch up with the competition. In order to offer a superior product than the competition, Digital Aviation and Aerosoft had to review what it initially considered as an almost completed project.

Virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors airborne from the Valdez virtual airport (ORBX)
Virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Alaska Airlines colors airborne from the Valdez virtual airport (ORBX)

The CRJ-900ER and CRJ-700ER had their exterior almost completely redone; the consumer now ends up with a much better looking aircraft. The project manager says that it is only due to the patience and kindness of potential customers that the project was saved. It pays to be nice!

The first flight with the CRJ

Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Nostrum colors departing the St. Maarten international airport (Fly Tampa St.Maarten)
Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Nostrum colors departing the St. Maarten international airport (Fly Tampa St.Maarten)

For the first flight, the manual recommends to first choose and activate one of the default FSX aircraft with the engine running. The pilot then selects the CRJ of his choice. It seems that doing so will prevent a lot of problems.

The virtual 2D cockpit

The virtual 2D cockpit helps save a few FPS. An easy access to the different sections of the cockpit is available since it is divided in several logical panels numbered from 1 to 9.


The virtual pilot has access to an updated NavDataPro (May 2017) database for air navigation. It is the world’s most used database in aircraft. The aircraft is also compatible with the popular Navigraph database.

How does a standard computer deals with the new CRJ?

Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the U.S. Airways colors airborne from the Denver International airport (Flightbeam Studios)
Virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the U.S. Airways colors airborne from the Denver International airport (Flightbeam Studios)

I have flown both aircrafts on several virtual airports like St. Maarten (Fly Tampa St. Maarten), Montreal international (Fly Tampa Montreal), Denver international (Flightbeam Studios) and Valdez (ORBX) without problems with regards to the computer’s processors and FPS. It was certainly out of question to try to land at the Courchevel airport (LLH Creations), with its short sloped runway, but a low pass at high speed caused no stutters.

A virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Air France HOP colors is in flight over the Courchevel virtual airport in France (LLH Creations)
A virtual CRJ-700ER aircraft (Aerosoft) with the Air France HOP colors is in flight over the Courchevel virtual airport in France (LLH Creations)

Flying the CRJ at low speed

The CRJ offers a good margin of manoeuver when it comes to flying at low speed. But due to the position of the engines, the aircraft’s nose will raise rapidly when the throttle is brought back to idle. In a constant and progressive descent, that does not cause a problem. But if the manoeuver is done on short final when the aircraft is still above 50 feet, the rapid change in the aircraft’s attitude could induce a stall.

The air brakes

One cannot rely too much on the air brakes to slow down the CRJ. They have limited efficiency, both for the virtual and the real aircraft.

Floating tendency

If the aircraft arrives over the threshold at a higher speed than recommended, it will float for a long distance before finally touching down.

Landing and take-off distances

A virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Canada colours (Aerosoft) is approaching the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau virtual airport (Fly Tampa Montreal)
A virtual CRJ-900ER aircraft with the Air Canada colours (Aerosoft) is approaching the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau virtual airport (Fly Tampa Montreal)

The CRJ-900 and CRJ-700 operate on relatively short runways. The CRJ-700 needs 5040 feet for take-off (at maximum weight) and landing, under the standard ICAO conditions. The CRJ-900 requires 6060 feet for take-off and 5260 feet for landing. The maximum range has been established to be around 1300 and 1400 nm.

Managers that facilitate the use of the CRJ

For the CRJ, Digital Aviation & Aerosoft have created managers that allow choosing the number of passengers, cargo, as well as calculating the fuel weight, the center of gravity and the amount of trim required. There is even a FS2 Crew option if desired. Another manager facilitated the addition of liveries.

The flight simulation enthusiasts had been anticipating the arrival of that regional jet for a long time; some did not believe anymore that it would one day become a reality (that includes the company too!). The flight simmers now have access to a world class and high quality regional jet.

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