Between dream and reality in Old Québec. Inspired by authoritarian governments around the planet.
The photo above is the result of a recent outing in Old Québec. Why is the photo displaying such a bizarre mood? Well, the actions of authoritarian governments around the world were enough to change my photographic perception for a moment. A montage was therefore necessary to let the emotion flow through on that day.
Photography Theory
The collection of buildings in this part of the city is of interest, but to produce a special effect, I used considerable cropping. The square format leaves out unnecessary details from the original image. I didn’t want any distractions, just the essentials.
I also imagined a threatening sky over the old constructions of Québec City. But how to express this danger without retouching a normal photo? Indeed, the sky is often too beautiful or too banal to convey a sufficient impression of discomfort.
Editing the sky from a RAW file remained the solution. After digital processing, I achieved a combination of mismatched colours that disrupted the scene. The semblance of a face appeared in the clouds, an effect I hadn’t intended. But I kept it. The whole thing takes us back to a world somewhere between dream and reality.
Airbus H160 helicopter airborne from the EHFD F3-FB-1A in the North Sea with MSFS
Stage 13 of the round-the-world flight simulator tour takes place with the Airbus H160 Luxury helicopter. I’m still using Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS).
Internet injects real weather data for the trip between two oil platforms located in the North Sea. The helicopter then takes off from EHFD F3-FB-1A, a helipad in the Netherlands.
Everyone head to Norway on this flight, on an installation known as ENXB Eldfisk B. Scotland’s FIR (Flight Information Region) provides the SAR (Search and Rescue) service for the area.
H160 helicopter enroute to the ENXB Eldfisk B oil platform with MSFS
Around 90 nm separates the two facilities. Atmospheric conditions are deteriorating in places, but this is hardly surprising in the North Sea.
Virtual low clouds over the North Sea seen from a H160 helicopter in flight simulation
During this virtual flight, we come across other oil and gas platforms. Aerosoft Offshore Landmarks virtual scenery allows a better immersion. One of the installations is shown below. But the digital scene also adds fishing vessels, tankers and cargo ships. In short, everything normally found in the North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea.
One of the oil platform in the North Sea with Microsoft Flight Simulator
The approach to the helipad begins with strong winds, complicating the landing procedure. Gusty winds and the pilot’s relative inexperience make maneuvering tricky. The crew labors for twenty minutes to land the Airbus H160 helicopter safely.
H160 helicopter on final approach for the oil platform ENXB Eldfisk B in Norway in MSFS
A look at the windsock in the photo below gives a good idea of the weather conditions. What’s more, the wind direction constantly pushes the helicopter towards the facilities. In the end, however, the landing goes smoothly.
Nevertheless, the multiple approach attempts shake the passengers’ composure. One person decides to change career and will now work in an office on land.
Strong winds for a virtual landing with a H160 helicopter on the ENXB Eldfisk B oil platform in Norway
The ENXB Eldfisk B oil platform in Norway but in the Scottish FIR under MSFS Microsoft Flight Simulator
Stage 14 of the simulated exploration of the planet will take place between ENXB Eldfisk B and Scotland, via the city of Edinburgh and Dundee Airport (EGPN).
Airbus H160 helicopter leaving Helgoland (EDHX) for an oil platform in the North Sea
This twelfth leg of the round-the-world flight simulation trip features a precision landing. Indeed, there is a stopover on an oil platform in the North Sea. The code name of this facility in the Netherlands is EHFD F3-FB-1A. As usual, we’re using the MSFS flight simulator.
Airbus virtual H160 helicopter in flight towars the EHFD F3-FB-1A oil platform in flight simulation.
We are airborne in the evening from the island of Düne, in Germany. We shall reach the oil platform around dusk.
Virtual H160 helicopter approaching a wind farm in the North Sea with MSFS.
The photo above shows a wind farm straight ahead in the North Sea. In the event of a ditching, the H160 helicopter is equipped with floats that can be activated by the captain.
The night approaches as the H160 approaches the oil platform in MSFS
The virtual flight takes place in real weather conditions. As the day draws to a close, the sky takes on superb hues.
A few minutes later, the rig becomes visible.
Very windy for an H160 landing at EHFD F3-FB-1A oil platform in the North Sea with MSFS
Generally, the winds remain at a fairly high speed for the approach to the helipad. In addition, the crane constantly moves from left to right not too far from the landing zone. As a result, the helicopter needs to be in the appropriate place. Moreover, turbulence near the building complicates manoeuvres. Therefore, two approaches become necessary before landing safely.
H160 helicopter landed on the EHFD F3-FB-1A oil platform in flight simulation
The helicopter will finally spend the night on the platform. Crew and passengers will certainly enjoy a well-deserved rest. Tomorrow, our mandate is to make the connection to a second drilling rig. This one is located further north, in the territory of Norway. For flight simulation fans who’d like to try it out, the code name is ENXB Eldfisk B.
The new graphic novel from Guy Delisle: Pour une fraction de seconde.
Guy Delisle clearly hits the nail on the head with his new graphic novel “Pour une fraction de seconde – La vie mouvementée d’Eadweard Muybridge”. The book introduces us to a colorful character, famous for having advanced photography by leaps and bounds through the study of animal movement. These innovations consequently led to the development of cinema.
Guy Delisle’s drawings and script work perfectly. This time, the teaching of the story clearly takes over, but without ever boring the reader – on the contrary. A subject that could have turned out to be dry becomes fun and full of surprises. This book is a little more serious than the author’s usual offerings, but in a relaxed, well-presented form.
When someone stands out in an astonishing way in a field, we often hear the expression: “He was born to do that”. This is certainly not the case with Muybridge. And yet, he succeeds where many fail or lack the tenacity and character to face adversity.
Before achieving fame for his success in photography, the main character took many paths, some of them seemingly contradictory. He started out as a bookseller and became entrepreneur, genius inventor, assassin, businessman, writer and lecturer. He traveled extensively to further his projects. That took him to England, the United States, France, Germany and Italy.
A page from Guy Delisle’s new graphic novel “Pour une fraction de seconde”
As a result of Guy Delisle’s reputation as a cartoonist in Quebec and France, he knows he can choose any subject he is passionate about without risking to lose his public. There is undoubtedly a lot of research in his new book. In a way, he’s doing us all a favor, as we learn a bit of history while we’re entertained.
Along the way, you’ll meet the likes of Tesla, Edison and the Lumière brothers, and discover who was behind the name “Stanford” at the famous American university.
Happy reading!
Title: Pour une fraction de seconde — La vie mouvementée d’Eadweard Muybridge
For this eleventh leg of the flight simulation world tour, we depart from Padderborn Lippstadt Airport (EDLP) for Helgoland, Germany.
As our sponsor has an unlimited budget, we’ll be flying in an Airbus H160 Luxury helicopter. En route to the destination, we’ll be stopping off at Bremen airport (EDDW).
Airbus H160 helicopter over Bremen airport in MSFS 2020
For aviation buffs, the route from Bremen reads: EDDW DCT DO DCT DW271 DCT DW285 DCT WSN DCT NDO DCT EDXH (Helgoland). I use the following software: Navigraph, Simbrief, FSLTL and the MSFS 2020 flight simulator. The flight is carried out in real weather (injected via the Internet).
After take-off, we fly over some of Bremen’s industrial facilities.
H160 Airbus helicopter over Bremen industrial installation in MSFS2020
I have a co-pilot to help me with the job when I’m taking photos. I can’t say she’s very chatty, but the main thing is to get to the airport safely.
View from the cockpit in the Airbus H160 helicopter
As we approach the North Sea, the coastline is briefly laden with low cloud and visibility diminishes. A few raindrops fall, while a double rainbow forms and a little turbulence is felt.
Precipitation isn’t really a problem, as it doesn’t last long. But with an outside temperature of -5 C, we have to watch out for icing.
Rainbow and updrafts before reaching the North Sea from Bremen in flight simulation
The weather returns to VFR and we head out over the water towards Helgoland.
Airbus H160 Luxury helicopter over Germany heading to Helgoland aiport
Helgoland has changed ownership many times over the decades, as a result of armed conflicts. The site has belonged to Great Britain, Denmark and is now part of Germany. It was a strategic military site whose installations were dynamited (and solidly!) by the British at the end of the Second World War.
H160 helicopter arriving to Helgoland in flight simulation
We look out over the cliffs of Helgoland before heading for the destination of our trip, the small island of Düne, in the background in the photo below.
The cliffs of Lummenfelsen at Helgoland, Germany, in flight simulation
Although not sporty, the landing requires a few precautions due to gusts of 23 knots. On landing, the aircraft floats for a few seconds, behaving like a boat on rough water. But in the end, all goes well.
Landing of a virtual Airbus H160 at Helgoland, Germany with MSFS
The next virtual flight will be to an oil platform located in Denmark in the North Sea. For those who’d like to try the landing, the code name is EHFD F3-FB-1A.
Old Quebec in winter seen from Parc Montmorency in 2025
It’s time for another winter outing in Old Quebec. The night photography session will be devoted to architecture.
The temperature is about -14 C and the winds are blowing at 15 km/h. Without gloves in order to manipulate the little buttons on the camera, the skin feels -22 C. A regular break is essential to thaw out the fingers!
I took the photo from Parc Montmorency, just up the côte de la Montagne. This historic site is a major tourist attraction in Quebec City. Louis Hébert, Canada‘s first farmer, cultivated the land here on his arrival in New France. It’s important to understand, however, that the natives knew about farming and cultivated the soil long before the arrival of the French settlers.
On the left is a sculpture of Sir Georges-Étienne Cartier, one of the Fathers of Confederation. The Château Frontenac and Price Building are also visible in the distance. In the foreground is a building that has changed function many times. It was originally the first Episcopal Palace.
Photography technique
For this shot, I planted my tripod in 40 centimetres of snow. I used a Canon 5 DSr camera equipped with a Canon EF 11-24 mm F/4L USM ultra wide-angle zoom lens. I could have set the ISO to 200 thanks to the stability of the tripod, but the wind demanded a faster result due to possible vibrations. ISO and shutter speed are therefore dictated by ambient weather conditions rather than low light.
Ocean’s tugboat on the St.Lawrence river in front of Quebec City in winter.
This Ocean tug advances through the ice on the St. Lawrence River in front of Quebec City. The photo was taken from the Dufferin Terrace in Old Quebec. The relatively mild winter still leaves passages open for ships.
Photography Theory
Good technique recommends using a tripod and an extension cable. This limits vibrations. But the wooden decking transmits vibrations caused by pedestrians. I wait for them to move away to improve the chances of a well-defined photo.
Night photography combined with a moving boat increases the risk of poor results. The shot requires a minimum shutter speed of about 1/125 to 1/160 and an appropriate ISO. The grain should be as small as possible, as you’ll need to crop to bring the tug closer.
In this case, I sacrificed depth of field, as the main focus is on the ship and the surrounding ice. The lights of Lévis in the background add a little dynamism to the scene.
Taken in the evening, the shot features five photos with different apertures. This allows us to deal with the great difference in luminosity between the foreground and the city of Lévis in the distance.
The clouds and snow help to reflect the city’s glow during the night. Even so, I’ve enhanced the light in the background to make the buildings more easily visible.
Beautiful Old Quebec night reflections on Saint-Louis Street. Photo by François Ouellet, 2025.
Another perfect evening to photograph Old Quebec in winter! I consider myself very lucky to have daily access to this magical place. It is as you know a UNESCO jewel and one of Canada’s major tourist attractions.
Photography theory and technique
It’s all there: calm winds, light snow, acceptable temperature, low cloud ceiling. Here is a great opportunity to improve one’s photography technique. What’s more, Quebec City finds itself between two busy tourist periods. This means fewer blurred people during night photography.
The snow melts immediately upon reaching Saint-Louis Street. It creates multiple reflections, ideal for special effects.
The quality of the lighting is superb, even in the middle of the nighttime. The city’s glow mirrors off cloud bases and precipitation. This in turn illuminates the old buildings.
Now it’s a question of locating an unusual angle to capture rue Saint-Louis. I’m trying to avoid the over-rehearsed postcard frame!
The viewer’s eye must remain focused on the street and the architecture. It must travel towards the background to discover a section of the National Assembly structures in the distance. The photographic composition is easily achieved.
In order to reach the objective, the viewer’s attention must be captured. A nice object can serve as foreground. It can also remain partially hidden. The vase installed on the Monument Samuel-de-Champlain will be good enough. We’re not really interested in it, but it serves as an entrance to the scene.
Those are simple but efficient photographic tips for winter photography in Old Quebec!
Scène de Québec et du Château Frontenac la nuit. Photo par François Ouellet
Photographing a tourist attraction like the Château Frontenac at night, with all its lights, is a good challenge for both the Canon 5 DSr camera and the photographer. Here are a few photographic tips to help you repeat the experience:
1) For a special effect, you might as well go all out and capture the château, including all the lights in the buildings near the Petit-Champlain district.
2) Photographic composition is based on the rule of thirds. You don’t always have to respect the fundamental theory, but this time it works well.
3) The viewer first notices the brightest structures, all of which have a similar luminosity. He then detects the castle on the cape.
4) The contrast is deliberate. The castle is not depicted in all its architectural splendour, but as a few lines lit up in the night.
5) The observer no longer needs to see all the forms of the castle to recognize it. It’s the most photographed castle in the world. The brain quickly analyzes the visible shapes and completes the building in a fraction of a second.
6) Being photographed from this angle and in this light gives a more mysterious aspect to this hotel overlooking the smaller buildings.
7) HDR photography solves some of the lighting problems. I superimposed five photos to obtain the final result.