Flight Simulation

Losing four engines on a C-130 Hercules in flight simulation

A virtual C-130 belonging to the Blue Angels is taxiing at the High River airport, in Alberta.
A virtual C-130 belonging to the Blue Angels is taxiing at the High River airport, in Alberta.

Wanting to add an almost impossible flight in the “unhinged virtual flights” section of my web site, I tried a flight with the Blue Angels C-130 Hercules (Captain Sim) where the aircraft gradually lost all of its engines.

The Blue Angels C-130 Hercules waiting in line behind a single engine aircraft at the High River airport.
The Blue Angels C-130 Hercules waiting in line behind a single engine aircraft at the High River airport.

I am aware that the Blue Angels mechanics are real professionals, so I assumed that the engine failures were caused by an unknown reason.

A virtual Blue Angels Lockheed C-130 Hercules takes-off from the High River (CEN4) Canadian airport in Alberta.
A virtual Blue Angels Lockheed C-130 Hercules takes-off from the High River (CEN4) Canadian airport in Alberta.

The take-off was made without problem from the Canadian High River (CEN4) airport. This free airport was designed by Vlad Maly and is available through ORBX. The aircraft leaves the 4150 feet runway heading to the Coeur d’Alène airport (KCOE) in United States.

Eventually, the first engine stops. This does not cause a problem. The propeller is feathered and the gradual climbing continues.

The C-130 Hercules loses its first engine.
The C-130 Hercules loses its first engine.

The second engine stops. The pilot must forget the initial destination. Bonners Ferry (65S) becomes the alternate airport since the 4000×75 feet runway is good enough for the C-130.

The second engine has just stopped on this C-130 Hercules.
The second engine has just stopped on this C-130 Hercules.
Double engine failure for this virtual Blue Angles C-130 Hercules.
Double engine failure for this virtual Blue Angles C-130 Hercules.

The third engines gives way. A slow descent starts. Bonners Ferry is not very far. The airport is at an altitude of 2337 ft asl.

The aircraft is volontarily flown at a higher altitude than what would normally be requested for a normal approach, just in case the fourth engine stops. When three engines stop after the same refueling, the pilot has the right to think that what feeds the fourth engine can also cause problems.

Three engine failures on this virtual Blue Angels C-130 Hercules.
Three engine failures on this virtual Blue Angels C-130 Hercules.

The highest mountains are now behind the aircraft.

Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures enroute to the Bonners Ferry airport.
Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures enroute to the Bonners Ferry airport.

The Bonners Ferry (65S) runway is in sight.

Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures, by the Bonners Ferry's runway.
Virtual C-130 Hercules aircraft with three engine failures, by the Bonners Ferry’s runway.

The fourth engine stops. The flaps will not be functional for the landing.

From now on, the pilot should save the virtual flight a few times since it is possible that several trials will be necessary to glide sucessfully to the airport. This is the fun of virtual flight.

The four engines have now failed on that virtual C-130 aircraft.
The four engines have now failed on that virtual C-130 aircraft.

The C-130 Hercules has become a big glider. When the speed is maintained, the aircraft loses more 1000 feet per minute. It is easier to feel the aircraft’s inertia.

The wheels will be brought out only when necessary since the gear adds a lot of drag.

From the position indicated in the picture below, it is impossible to arrive to the airport in a straight line: the aircraft will glide over the airport. In the picture, the aircraft seems to be on a good path for landing, but it is an illusion caused by the wide-angle format chosen for the screen capture.

The aircraft is definitely too high. It is impossible to use the flaps to increase the rate of descent.

Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft with four engine failures on the approach to the Bonners Ferry's virtual airport (65S).
Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft with four engine failures on the approach to the Bonners Ferry’s virtual airport (65S).

One must choose between 1) sideslips 2) a 360 degree turn to lose altitude or 3) multiple steep turns perpendicular to the runway to increase to distance to the airport.

What would you choose?

There is no universal method. The 360 degree turn is riskier but can prove efficient. An Airbus A330-200 flown by Quebecer Robert Pich that had lost all of its engines landed successfully in the Açores in 2001 after attempting a last minute 360 degree turn to lose altitude. But here, I did not believe there was enough altitude to safely complete the turn and reach the runway.

A few steep turns were made to extend to ride to the airport. Why steep turns? In order to avoid getting closer to the airport before an acceptable altitude was reached. This method helped keep an eye on the runway at all times to verify if the slope to the airport was still acceptable.

Fourty degree turn to the right on the approach to the Bonners Ferry's airport.
Fourty degree turn to the right on the approach to the Bonners Ferry’s airport.
Steep turn to the left to extend the distance to the Bonners Ferry airport.
Steep turn to the left to extend the distance to the Bonners Ferry airport.

I tried the three methods, always starting from the same saved flight (photo 10). After several sideslips, the aircraft was always approaching the airport too quickly. There was not enough time to lose altitude. The final speed always happened to be too high to stop a C-130 without flaps or thrust reversers.

The 360 degree turn, be it right or left, with different angles and a reasonable speed, always incurred a loss of altitude that brought the aircraft 200 to 300 feet short of the threshold.

Finally, after a few steep turns, the aircraft was positioned on final with the appropriate speed and altitude.

View of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules with four engine failures, on the approach for Bonners Ferry (65S).
View of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules with four engine failures, on the approach for Bonners Ferry (65S).

A few last seconds adjustments, to reposition the aircraft in the center of the runway.

Speed 150 knots. End of the turn for the Bonners Ferry's airport.
Speed 150 knots. End of the turn for the Bonners Ferry’s airport.

At 140 kts, but without any reverse thrust, the whole runway should be necessary to stop the aircraft.

Speed 140 knots, aligned with the Bonners Ferry's runway.
Speed 140 knots, aligned with the Bonners Ferry’s runway.

The landing was smooth and the aircraft stopped short of the threshold.

For an unknown reason, the anemometer was still indicating a 10 kts airspeed, even when the aircraft had stopped.

C-130 cargo aircraft on the Bonners Ferry's runway.
C-130 cargo aircraft on the Bonners Ferry’s runway.
Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft after landing at the Bonners Ferry (65S) airport.
Lockheed C-130 Hercules virtual aircraft after landing at the Bonners Ferry (65S) airport.
C-130 Hercules aircraft in Bonners Ferry.
C-130 Hercules aircraft in Bonners Ferry.

Try such a flight in the virtual mode. The worst that can happen is that you have fun!

For more near impossible flights, head to:

Unhinged Virtual Flights