
A new novel by Régis Jauffret : « Dans le ventre de Klara ».

Novel cover "Dans le ventre de Klara" by Rgis Jauffret
Novel cover “Dans le ventre de Klara” by Rgis Jauffret

[For the presentation of this book published in French, I did my best to translate some sentences in English, but a professional translation would have better reflect the quality of Rgis Jauffret’s writing].

In July 1888, around Saint James’s Day, Uncle made me pregnant”. So begins Rgis Jauffret‘s novel “Dans le ventre de Klara” (In Klara’s Belly) , that master of punchlines and synthesis. The Klara in question is Klara Hitler, who at the time of the story is carrying within her an Adolf Hitler already capable of infusing her on occasion with visions of the disaster he would orchestrate years later.

The author has found a unique way to position Klara’s terrible premonitions in the text. They are suddenly imposed in the midst of the mother-to-be’s daily reveries, often right in the middle of a paragraph or sentence.

In this tale of fact and fiction, the wife must stay in her place and hope for nothing. The writer has Klara say: “I’m afflicted with the mania of hoping for something other than my fate“. The husband decides everything. The local church’s confessor would love to have as much control as the spouse, but this proves more difficult than expected. The husband and abbot are a good example of the excessive power they wield over women in this era. A military officer with little combat experience who dictates his conduct to his wife as if she were a soldier, and a fanatical abbot who imposes the arbitrary rules of a sickening religion, enslaving women and imposing his dogmas on couples from a distance.

Back cover of the novel "Dans le ventre de Klara" by Rgis Jauffret
Back cover of the novel “Dans le ventre de Klara” by Rgis Jauffret

Speaking of God and women, the author writes: “A Christian woman must bear children, help to populate the Earth He has given us as a theater for our sins”. And when Klara finds herself back in the confessional and being chastised by the priest: “Far from the voice of Christ gone, it was now Abb Probst who was busy putting me through the wringer of language. Sentences as long as straps. Words as heavy and blunt as bludgeons. Subtle, sharp words, in places bristling with reddened spikes. Punctuation like broken glass […].” You get the idea…

I particularly appreciate Rgis Jauffret’s writing, having read many of his works, including “La ballade de Rikers Island“, “Le dernier bain de Gustave Flaubert“, “Papa” and the three volumes entitled Microfictions, published respectively in 2007, 2018 and 2022. He even won the Goncourt short story award for the 2018 edition.

Rgis Jauffret explains the intention behind his latest novel in a video on Youtube, if you’re interested in digging deeper into the subject.

Happy reading!

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Title: Dans le ventre de Klara

Author: Rgis Jauffret

Publisher: Rcamier

© Rgis Jauffret and Editions Rcamier, 2024

ISBN : 978-2-38577-057-0

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Pope Francis in Old Quebec.

Motorcycle policemen lead the convoy bringing the Pope to Old Quebec in 2022.
Motorcycle policemen lead the convoy bringing the Pope to Old Quebec in 2022.

If you don’t have privileged access, the main difficulty in photographing the arrival of Pope Francis in Old Quebec in 2022 lies in the vague and sometimes contradictory information offered to journalists in an obvious effort to protect the itinerary of the head of state.

You also have to deal with the strong police presence and the barriers that open and close according to the mood of the moment, blocking bicycles and pedestrians long before the Pope has crossed the Saint-Louis gate. As a photographer, you don’t want to find yourself suddenly stuck in a place of no interest.

Other aspects to consider are purely photographic, such as the ambient light and the distance from the subject at the time of the photo, which will influence the choice of equipment carried.

The official convoy arrives on Saint-Louis Street. It is important to know that in the afternoon, the sun crosses directly the axis of the Saint-Louis Street in its slow descent towards the west. If you position yourself along this street to take the picture, there is no physical obstacle, but you photograph against the light a convoy which passes at full speed. The camera sensor does not appreciate backlighting, because it has difficulty evaluating which light takes precedence. The choice of a straight line on Saint-Louis Street is therefore not very interesting.

The crowd greets Pope Francis on his arrival in Old Quebec in 2022.
The crowd greets Pope Francis on his arrival in Old Quebec in 2022.

The Pope’s driver sits on the left (at least in Canada). The Pope will therefore be on the right, whether forward or backward. If one stands in the Place d’Armes, one gives priority to the driver rather than to the Pontiff.

As the sun travels progressively from the axis of St. Louis Street to the west, the tall trees of the Place d’Armes will create a natural veil blocking the effects of backlighting. This will increase the chances of successful photos.

On St. Louis Street, the convoy is moving quickly in a long straight line. The chances of getting a good picture decrease. When the security cars reach the end of Saint-Louis, they have to brake because of a sharp curve near the Château Frontenac. If you position yourself immediately after the curve, the chances of getting an acceptable picture increase greatly.

As for photographic equipment, a camera lens that requires little light will help optimize shutter speed and depth of field, especially in the late afternoon. The Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM lens offers more flexibility.

A camera with a full-frame sensor will also allow the cropping necessary to magnify the photo without loss of quality. For the photos included in this article, the camera used was a Canon 5DSR.

The riskiest technique which therefore requires a little more experience is to take the picture of the head of state in his car in focus while leaving the outside blurred, to show that the car is moving fast. You follow the car with the camera’s viewer. The closer it gets to you, there is an obvious feeling of acceleration. It is thus necessary to increase the rotation of your body to adjust to the car’s relative speed change. The autofocus does its job as the vehicle approaches.

There is only a fraction of a second where you get a completely clear view of the head of state. A second too early and you only see a portion of the face with a piece of the car, a second too late and you get a three-quarter rear view. A continuous shooting mode becomes absolutely necessary.

Pope Francis arrives in Old Quebec on his trip to Canada in 2022.
Pope Francis arrives in Old Quebec on his trip to Canada in 2022.

An adequate shutter speed captures the face of the head of state accurately and keeps the background blurred. A shutter speed that is too fast makes the whole scene clear and sharp, and the photo loses its dynamism. Too slow a speed and the face lacks definition. There is only one chance to get it right.

So, those were a few ideas to remember if you want to photograph important events in Old Quebec. A prior knowledge of the terrain and of the sun’s position at specific times remains essential if you want to increase your chances of success.

Enjoy your photography!

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City in Summer on my blog.

Human behavior

Religious discourse in Boston

Two worlds collide in Boston.
Two worlds collide in Boston.

In the foreground, two women are discussing and a man is paying full attention to his cell phone while, behind, the preacher and his devotees do what they can, through a religious discourse, to bring the citizens back in the right path: two worlds exist in parallel in this Boston park. If “the message is the medium”, as Marshall Mc Luhan once said, the communication method should possibly be reviewed, as the medium does not seem to work very well!

Click on the link for other street photography articles on my blog.


Smokey Nelson’s last days

The French novel by author Catherine Mavrikakis : Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson
The French novel by author Catherine Mavrikakis : Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson

Catherine Mavrikakis dedicates her French novel “Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson”  to those “who die murdered by the governments of numerous States of America”. She also wishes to underline the work of “David R. Dow who, in Texas, tries to save them”. [my translation]

The author presents the faults of Middle America with, in the background, the sordid murders of of a family of four people in a motel, twenty years ago. Details of the crime are only incidental in the novel.

The crime is the opportunity for the author to present the very different lives of the people who were directly impacted by the drama. Through the personal history of these people are expressed the fear and the imbalances of the Americans. Catherine Mavrikakis has an original way of presenting the injustices lived because of a different skin color. She also skillfully develops on religious habits, mental illness, drug and alcool abuse, lack of education and extreme gaps in wealth among American citizens.

Another theme presented in the novel is the fear of their own government by many Americans who see it as a potential enemy and against which one must protect himself using firearms if necessary. An American citizen, like Timothy McVeigh, becomes a terrorist as he is so absolutely sure of “ the conspiracy of the State against his beliefs” [my translation].

Backcover of the book: Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson, by Catherine Mavrikakis
Backcover of the book: Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson, by Catherine Mavrikakis

The novel also addresses the difference of treatment between Blacks and Whites in front of justice. This really is not a surprise. There are far more Blacks in jail than there are Whites, and far more that end up in the death row too.

The inequality of treatment between Blacks and Whites is also raised by the author when she brings back to memory the damages caused by the Katrina hurricane and the questions surrounding the destruction of the dams protecting the different neighborhoods.

Rumours are that some dams were volontarily destroyed in order to control the trajectory of the flooding.  The will to protect wealthy neighborhoods, mostly inhabited by Whites, would have caused the destruction and flooding of the Lower Ninth Ward district, where a majority of Blacks were living. It is up to the reader to determine whether a further research is justified.

Some sections in the novel marvelously summerize the contradictions present in the religious discourse. On numerous occasions the reader witnesses a God proned to bragging, in front of which humans must prosternate in order to celebrate “His Glory”. A God approving the use of violence and justifying radical actions in order to win over a Satan who, sometimes, takes the liberty to take a break. This short absence is always an occasion not missed by God to fully shine.

At the end of the book, the death row inmate, after having taken a last hearty meal, reflects on the pertinence of meeting a priest before being executed. He has this snarky remark: [my translation] “A pastor is like a steak, at the last moment, it can’t be refused”.

Title : Les derniers jours de Smokey Nelson

Author : Catherine Mavrikakis

Edition : Hliotrope

© 2014

ISBN : 978-2-923975-49-8

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