Flight Simulation

The Bugalaga runway (WX53) in Indonesia with MSFS 2020

Bugalaga airstrip in Indonesia photographed by Nico Sanchez
Bugalaga airstrip in Indonesia photographed by Nico Sanchez

Takeoffs and landings on the Bugalaga runway (WX53) in Indonesia can be classified as being in the challenging virtual flight category. The runway is not extraordinarily demanding, due to its comfortable size of 1478 feet by 75 feet. But the approach still requires more skill than a standard approach, especially with the trees on final and the steep slope.

Today’s flight with the MSFS 2020 flight simulator consists of taking off and landing on this sloping runway. To add to the fun, the flight must be done during adverse weather conditions. Indeed, the thunderstorms programmed in the virtual weather system complicate the task of the virtual pilot, as he has to deal with gusty winds and mechanical turbulence. And to add to the fun, the Pilatus normally used is replaced by a Cessna Grand Caravan 208B. The photo above represents the Bugalaga runway in reality.

View of the Bugalaga (WX53) sloped airstrip using MSFS 2020 flight simulator.
View of the Bugalaga (WX53) sloped airstrip using MSFS 2020 flight simulator.

Above is the virtual graphic interpretation of this runway located at 6233 feet above sea level (MSL) with the Cessna ready to take off. Asobo (Microsoft) did a good job.

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B ready for departure at Bugalaga airstrip with MSFS 2020
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B ready for departure at Bugalaga airstrip with MSFS 2020

The visibility could be better, but it does not prevent the aircraft from taking off on runway 06.

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B airborne from the Bugalaga sloped airstrip (WX53) using MSFS 2020 flight simulator
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B airborne from the Bugalaga sloped airstrip (WX53) using MSFS 2020 flight simulator

As you can see, the margin of error is pretty small for this aircraft that is less efficient than the Pilatus normally used in reality.

Mountains around the Bugalaga airstrip during a thunderstorm using MSFS 2020.
Mountains around the Bugalaga airstrip during a thunderstorm using MSFS 2020.

Immediately after takeoff, preparation begins for the outbound procedure and the 180 degrees turn that will put the aircraft on final for runway 24. The surrounding mountains require the pilot’s full attention.

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B approaching the Bugalaga airstrip in flight simulation.
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B approaching the Bugalaga airstrip in flight simulation.

Acceptable visibility but strong winds characterize the approach to Bugalaga.

The Bugalaga virtual sloped airstrip is visible in the distance in the mountains.
The Bugalaga virtual sloped airstrip is visible in the distance in the mountains.

Runway 24 is now visible in the mountains.

On final at 82 kts for the Bugalaga sloped airstrip (WX53) using MSFS 2020
On final at 82 kts for the Bugalaga sloped airstrip (WX53) using MSFS 2020

The approach speed with flaps out is about 82 knots.

Touching down on rwy 24 on the Bugalaga sloped airstrip using MSFS 2020
Touching down on rwy 24 on the Bugalaga sloped airstrip using MSFS 2020

The Cessna Grand Caravan C208B is about to touch down. You can see the steepness of the runway, which gets even steeper towards the end.

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B keeping enough speed to climb the sloped airstrip at Bugalaga in Indonesia (MSFS 2020)
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B keeping enough speed to climb the sloped airstrip at Bugalaga in Indonesia (MSFS 2020)

Once the aircraft has touched down, the virtual pilot must maintain enough speed to climb the hill at the end of the strip.

Cessna Grand Caravan 208B after landing in Bugalaga in flight simulation.
Cessna Grand Caravan 208B after landing in Bugalaga in flight simulation.

A last screen capture shows the aircraft having crossed the last hillock at the end of runway 24. The flight is short, but requires your full attention. Good luck to those who will try the experience!

Click on the link for more challenging virtual flights on my blog.