A young girl plays piano on Willows Beach in Victoria.
The photo above was taken with a Canon 5DSR full-frame camera in Victoria, British-Columbia. The exact location is a beach in Oak Bay called Willows Beach.
In many cities around the world, the trend is to install used pianos in unusual places hoping that citizens and tourists will take a few minutes to try their hand at the instrument. While a young girl was starting to play on this piano left beside Willows Beach, a young boy appeared in my viewfinder, upside down on his father’s shoulder. To each his own.
In the distance, it is possible to see the sailboats of the Oak Bay Yacht Club and the Washington State Olympic Mountains, in the United States.
These teens from Quebec City work hard at walking on the side of a stonewall near the St. Louis Gate in Old Quebec. Their efforts deserved a picture.
The picture was taken from far away, that is from a point located on the other side of the St.Louis street.That way, they did not realize that they were being photographed, which allowed them to stay natural. That is one of the principles of street photography.
Behind the people is Quebec City’s lower town. The city lights are visible since it was close to 9 PM when the picture was taken.
I was able to take a sharp picture from really far away only with the help of a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM telephoto lens mounted on a Canon 5DSR full frame camera that is equipped with a 50.6 megapixel sensor. Some significant cropping was then necessary to bring the action even closer to the viewer.
Children are playing on a beach in Parksville, British Columbia
The children in the picture above immediately reminded me of my youth. In the ‘60s, video games had yet to be invented and we were often outside trying to create new situations in which we could take risks without serious consequences.
The kids are playing on a beach in Parksville, British Columbia. For how long will the boy be able to stay dry in his rubber boots? His sister seems to realize more than him the situation in which he has put himself. Maybe it is already too late to return to the beach before the next wave…!
The scene was caught with a Canon 5DSR full frame camera.
Two Porter Airlines Bombardier Q-400 on the Toronto Billy Bishop airport
That is what happens when there is only one taxiway and both pilots refuse to give way…
You have certainly realized that there are no conflict here and that, a fraction of a second later, both Porter Airlines Bombardier Q-400 aircrafts continued taxiing, one towards the ramp and the other one towards one of the runways of the Toronto Billy Bishop airport in Ontario.
Few seconds before, I was watching both aircrafts getting closer with each other. Being of the same format, it was possible to get a special effect. Every fraction of a second counts when doing street photography so I took several shots and chosed the one that allowed the minimal space between the two aircrafts.
Each one in his own bubble in the Willows Beach Park, Oak Bay, Victoria
In the foreground sits a man in the Willows Beach Park of Oak Bay in Victoria, British Columbia. He is totally in his bubble, absorbed by his book. I have been looking at him for few minutes wondering how I should position myself in order to get an interesting picture.
Suddenly, a bubble, very real this time, appears in the viewfinder of the camera. The bubble is moving, thanks to the efforts of a child that is walking inside of it. An adult is monitoring to situation to prevent accidents.
Street photography sometimes requires luck. For every successful photo, many opportunities are missed. The fraction of a second offered to a photographer to capture an unusual scene always imposes to have the camera settings already set for the ambient light and the expected use.
The picture was taken with a Canon 5DSR full-frame camera.
This picture of a group of Chinese women playing cards was taken during summer 1990 in Jade Market, Hong Kong, before the island was retroceded back to China.
Street photography requires that a photographer does not prearrange a scene, in order to protect the natural atmosphere. This is where the real information stands. Those women, totally absorbed by their game, offered a superb opportunity to capture a normal day life scene.
It was important to proceed quickly to avoid that one of the ladies looked at the camera and changed her attitude. That way, the natural effect was maintained.
The picture was taken with a Pentax SF1 camera equipped with a film made to be developed for slides.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link:
A Cathay Pacific Cargo Boeing 747 and the London Eye in London (2015)
The photo above requires a very quick moment of reflection before being correctly interpreted. Most of the people who have seen the picture for the first time immediately had the feeling that the aircraft was heading toward one of the London Eye’s capsules.
The viewers referred to images that they had already seen during the 9/11 attacks, images that were printed in their memory.
The Cathay Pacific Boeing 747 cargo was inbound for the London Heathrow international airport while my family and I were waiting in line to live the London Eye experience, the Ferris wheel installed in the center of London, United Kingdom.
Instead of capturing a large scene, which would have given a far better idea of the scale of objects and eliminated any confusion, I opted for a close-up plan, leaving the viewer with the work of interpreting the photo correctly.
One of the pleasures of street photography is to find a second interpretation to what would normally be an ordinary scene.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link:
A lifeguard makes sure that the ships keep on floating…
As I was completing a walk around Stanley Park, in British Columbia, I saw this lifeguard comfortably sitting in his chair and protected from the sun by a large yellow beach umbrella.
In the near distance, numerous vessels were anchored while waiting for the appropriate tide in order to reach Vancouver Harbour. Everything in the scenery was quiet.
However, reality was quite different since, when I got closer, I saw a huge beach loaded with swimmers in front of the lifeguard. The latter had to keep his eyes wide open.
A funnier approach was nonetheless to present the most tranquil scenery possible by avoiding to show the beach and the swimmers. This gave the impression that the lifeguard had the responsibility of watching the ships in the distance.
Slightly moving the skyline higher in the shot in order to only see the vessels and the lifeguard did the trick. This is the fun part of street photography.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link:
In 2018, marijuana will probably become a legal substance in Canada. But for now, it is still considered an illegal drug by Canadian authorities.
In the picture above, a “plant” dealer, acting as a “florist”, does not hesitate to publicize his business in British Columbia. He chose to modify the reality until it finally meets his goal.
The “florist” above proceeds in the same way as Sean Spicer, the White House Speaker, who gives new meaning to words during his press conferences in order to make sense of some of Donald Trump’s electoral promises.
Street photography is often unplaned, as it is the case here. But I had with me the necessary equipment to capture the van before it got away.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link:
This street photography shot, taken in Paris with a Canon 5D MKII full-frame camera, works better in the French language since the word « occupé » placed on the banner plays a crucial role. In French, “occupé” can mean that there is a labour unrest and that the activity of a company is being disturbed by its employees. “Occupé” can also mean “busy”. This street photography shot uses both meanings.
In the background, some people are removing the stickers that have been placed on the wall of a store representing an international company. One can see the word “occupé” written on a banner, which here means “labour unrest”. In the mid-plane, everyone is in movement. Each person is looking somewhere except toward the foreground where a beggar without legs waits for donations.
Three levels of wealth are represented in the picture. There is the fortune associated with the owner of a very well-known international company (the name is mostly hidden for legal reasons), there is the standard financial situation associated with the citizens in the mid-plane and there is the beggar’s financial situation.
I wanted to include the word “occupé” (busy) in the photo in order to express something else: people who are walking and who seem to benefit from an acceptable financial situation do not have any time for the man who cannot walk and who certainly does not benefit from an acceptable comfort. The banner announces that everyone is “occupé” (busy).
A green apple, put down on the sidewalk in front of the beggar, and a green bag behind him seem to summarize the belongings of the disabled beggar.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link: