Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Quebec FSS

FSS and pilots with different styles

Pilots regularly refer to flight service specialists (FSS) when preparing for a flight. They can either phone or visit a flight service station. The FSS progressively know an increasing number of pilots who differ a lot in experience.

As with any profession, competence and a professional attitude vary for the same license. Pilots are no exception and I could divide them in three categories: 85% meet the requirements on a continual basis, 10% constantly exceed the expectations and the last 5% deals with more or less important shortcomings.

Here are two small stories involving pilots of very different style and some flight service specialists. Those events happened in the ‘80s and ‘90s:

The pilot with a gigantic ego

One day, a pilot called the Transport Canada flight service station in Quebec City (CYQB) on the local radio frequency and said: “I’ll be landing in twenty minutes at Lac St-Augustin. Call my wife and tell her to pick me up”.

That was not a polite way to request a favor. He obviously had decided that those types of private phone calls were part of our responsibilities. As the flight service specialist was working higher priorities, he told the pilot that this was something he would have to do himself.

Losing his temper, the pilot started to reel off his CV and all the contacts with whom he would communicate to set this employee’s case. His long monologue forced us to lower the air radio frequency’s volume. His ramblings blocked an important frequency and were a nuisance to the other pilots. Eventually, he ran out of ideas and the radio frequency was finally available for essential communications.

A few hours later, the same pilot made a spectacular entry in the flight service station, shouting and blasting the employees. He then left the place by slamming what could be slammed of the swinging doors we had at the time.

Luckily, special cases like that are rare. They so differ from what we are used to that it’s impossible to forget them, even decades later.

An exceptionally cold blooded pilot

I remember of a very experienced pilot who used to visit us regularly at the Transport Canada flight service station in Rouyn-Noranda (CYUY). One day, he entered the station, leaned on the briefing counter, and started to talk about different subjects before finally asking us if we had any documents in our library that were dealing with an airplane crash…

We replied by the affirmative. Considering his calm and the tone in his voice, we figured that he was just curious. He then told us that he had just crashed less than an hour ago and that the machine he was flying was totally wrecked. He was the only person on board and managed to get out with scratches only.

I must admit that I had never met somebody that could be so detached from an event of such importance!

For more real life stories about being a FSS in Quebec City, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Quebec City

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Iqaluit FSS and the sleeping pilots

Airliner and cumulonimbus clouds
Airliner and cumulonimbus clouds

In the early 1990s, I was working at the Transport Canada flight service station (FSS) in Iqaluit, providing air traffic services. While I was in charge of the HF radio communications allowing the tracking of transoceanic flights, I received a call from a controller asking me to try to contact an airliner of a big European company.

Their pilots had crossed 60 degree west without communicating with Iceland radio and it was now necessary to ensure that the projected passage time for 70 degree West and the altitude of the aircraft were still valid.

I tried to communicate with the crew using all means at my disposal, among which the SELCAL system which sent an alarm signal on board the aircraft. Nothing worked. Other airliners flying nearby the aircraft were requested to help by trying some calls on VHF emergency frequencies. But again, there were no replies.

Suddenly, about one hour after the moment that the pilots should have given some sign of life, I received an answer to my repeated calls. I told the crew that all the efforts had been made to contact them but without success. I asked them an official position report and an estimate for the next mandatory point of contact. Calmly, the pilot answered that he did not know why I had not received his calls and he immediately prepared an official position report.

It was kind of strange that on a day where the HF reception was excellent, and when all other companies were communicating with Iqaluit radio without any problem, this company stayed silent for such a long period of time.

I finally received the new position report but it clearly looked like an invention. If the data provided by the crew was correct, this aircraft would successfully fly 400 nautical miles in the next ten minutes. It would mean that at this speed, the crew expected to cross most of Canada in about one hour.

I advised the pilot to redo his calculations since, visibly, he seemed to have no idea of his position. He came back with new numbers, very different this time, which match what was expected.

I guessed that during the long transatlantic flight, both pilots slowly fell asleep while the automatic pilot kept the aircraft in flight. Suddenly woken up by the multiple calls, the crew did not take into account the movement of the aircraft during the hour where everybody was asleep and, worried not to get caught, rapidly transmitted totally erroneous calculations.

Nonetheless, the story ended well since the crew, now rested, provided exact information for the following position reports, allowing for a safe flight until destination.

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Iqaluit FSS and the overloaded DC-8

Trans Ocean DC-8-63F N794AL in Iqaluit in 1989
Trans Ocean DC-8-63F N794AL in Iqaluit in 1989

On a summer day of 1989, a DC-8-63F took-off from Iqaluit airport’s runway 36, on Baffin Island, heading towards Los Angeles. In order to do the flight without any stopovers, the tanks had been topped. The combined fuel, passengers and cargo weight required an extremely long ground run before the wheels could leave the runway.

Viewed from the Transport Canada flight service station tower, it seemed to us that the pilot had waited until the last moment to pull on the stick. Once airborne, the aircraft flew horizontally and stayed very low over the flat terrain to profit from the ground effect.

However, few kilometers from the threshold of runway 18, the terrain started to rise enough to request a positive climb rate. The pilot slightly pulled on the stick but avoided any turn to maximize lift.

Using binoculars, the flight service specialists (FSS) watched the aircraft as it should have made a left turn a long time ago. When the turn was finally attempted, the aircraft started to sink and lose much of the altitude precedently gained. We could follow the changes of altitude through the long trails of dark smoke left behind the aircraft.

Realizing the airplane was not ready to turn yet as it was going down, the pilot had started to fly it horizontally again. Moments later, the pilot tried again and the aircraft made a five to ten degree bank before starting to climb very gently. The aircraft would not have handled anything more.

It was the first time that we were considering pressing the red button used to alert airport emergency services. But this would not have been very useful since very little help could have been provided quickly enough, taking into account the position of the aircraft, its enormous amount of fuel on board and the total absence of roads in that isolated Arctic region.

N795AL DC-8-63 Trans Ocean airborne runway 18 in Iqaluit in 1990
N795AL DC-8-63 Trans Ocean airborne runway 18 in Iqaluit in 1990
Nationair C-GMXD DC-8-61 in Iqaluit in 1989
Nationair C-GMXD DC-8-61 in Iqaluit in 1989

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Canada: Iqaluit FSS and the 1989 solar storm

1989 was a problematic year for the Transport Canada flight service specialists (FSS) in Iqaluit as we had problems communicating by means of HF frequencies with airliners crossing the North Atlantic.

As usual, we tried to get position reports at 60, 70 and 80 degree west in order to ensure that the Montreal, Gander, Winnipeg and Edmonton area control centers could provide accurate air traffic services by maintaining ten minutes or eighty nautical miles between each aircraft. We had to note the route, the actual and next position of the aircrafts, the different time, speed and altitude, this while we relayed ATC clearances.

Flight service specialists at work at the Iqaluit flight service station in 1989
Flight service specialists at work at the Iqaluit flight service station in 1989

But for many weeks in February and March, the radio communications were blocked by a solar storm that was strong enough to cause problems to the Hydro-Qubec electrical network. The entire province of Quebec suffered an electrical power blackout that lasted nine hours on March 13th.

During a major solar storm, the full spectrum of HF frequencies can become useless for frequent periods varying from ten minutes to an hour.

I remember several problematic cases, among which one where an area control center controller asked us to contact an airliner to know if the pilot could climb to 37,000 feet once at 70 degree west. The question was transmitted to the pilot and he immediately replied: “Roger, we are climbing 370”. He had not received any clearance to change his altitude but he was nonetheless starting to climb where there was no adequate separation between him and other aircrafts.

We replied multiple times: “Negative, this is a question, this is not a clearance, do not climb to flight level 370”, but the pilot never replied back due to the poor quality of HF communications. The control center was quickly called back and advised of the situation.

For the remaining period of the solar storm, the flight service specialists were asked about the actual quality of the HF communications before any punctual requests was sent on radio in order to avoid problems.

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Pilots surprised by the extreme weather prevailing in Iqaluit

The Transport Canada flight service specialists (FSS) in Iqaluit were sometimes amazed by the type of clothing chosen by pilots who were ferrying aircrafts from Europe to America.

Small and mid-size aircrafts required a flight plan including a stopover in Iqaluit, on Baffin Island, since refueling was necessary. One would think that pilots would have prepared themselves for unexpected situations and plan according to the extreme weather conditions prevailing at some of the airports along their route to America.

The FSS staff witnessed, on numerous occasions, small jets experience serious problems while refueling under very cold temperature. While the tanks were being filled up, the tires were deflating progressively.

Hapag Lloyd D-AHLO B737-4K5 in its delivery flight in 1989, from Boeing Field (KBFI) to Iqaluit, and then towards Germany. It is being refueled during difficult weather conditions. This type of aircraft did not experience much problem with the cold weather, but it was not the case with smaller business jets
Hapag Lloyd D-AHLO B737-4K5 in its delivery flight in 1989, from Boeing Field (KBFI) to Iqaluit, and then towards Germany. It is being refueled during difficult weather conditions. This type of aircraft did not experience much problem with the cold weather, but it was not the case with smaller business jets

A small delay in the operations and the engines did not start anymore. The pilots got out of their aircraft, wearing only a thin leather jacket and summer shoes. Trying to protect themselves from the bitter cold, they gesticulated while talking with the fuel man who, himself, was wearing a thick Arctic suit that protected him from head to toes.

A thin leather jacket and summer shoes were certainly appropriate for Southern Europe but far from being useful on the apron of an airport where the wind chill factor often varied between -50C and -65C. The aircraft sometimes had to be towed in a hangar in order to be warmed up for hours, if not the night, and the transit fees grew exponentially.

I suppose that a pilot who lived such an experience remembers it today as clearly as the FSS staff, but not for the same reasons. And it is almost certain that he prepared accordingly for the next ferry flight.

Mountains around Iqaluit, during a nice day when there is still ice in the bay. The blue tones are absolutely magnificent.
Mountains around Iqaluit, during a nice day when there is still ice in the bay. The blue tones are absolutely magnificent.

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Iqaluit FSS and the Christmas of a Saab-Scania pilot

(Precedent story: Iqaluit FSS and the Persian Gulf War)

Book and message sent by a Saab-Scania pilot to the Iqaluit flight service specialists
Book and message sent by a Saab-Scania pilot to the Iqaluit flight service specialists

I still have fond memories of a pilot who came up to visit the flight service specialists (FSS) at the Transport Canada flight service station in Iqaluit, in1990, during an icy Christmas evening. This Saab-Scania pilot had arrived from United States and he intended to cross the Atlantic toward Europe.

But the extreme cold prevailing in Iqaluit, on Baffin Island,  had complicated the ground operations. The pilot’s tight schedule as well as the reduced services in effect for the Christmas holidays had given him all sorts of problems. Through his entire ordeal, he kept a professional attitude and we did everything possible to get him out of trouble.

Just before he left the flight service station, he asked us our name and mailing address in Iqaluit. Finally, once all his problems had been taken care of, he took-off from Canada towards his next stopover. Weeks went by and one day, my colleague and I each received a package from Sweden. It was a book about the Saab-Scania story and, inside, there was this little note: “With thanks for the help at Christmas”!

(Next story: A freelance demolition worker in Iqaluit)

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Iqaluit FSS and the Persian Gulf War

Markair L-382 on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990
Markair L-382 on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990

In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. This invasion was unanimously condemned, even by countries that are traditionally aligned with Iraq. The United Nations reacted by giving Iraq up to January 15th 1991 to withdraw. But Saddam Hussein’s attitude clearly showed that there would be no withdrawal and that he intended to proceed with Kuwait annexation to the Iraqi territory.

Understanding that military force would obviously be necessary, United States (representing a coalition of 34 countries) started preparing for the conflict. Aircraft movements increased and short range military aircrafts that would have to cross the Atlantic used Iqaluit, on Baffin Island, as a stopover before continuing through Greenland, Iceland, Europe and finally the Middle East.

OV-10 Broncos transiting through Iqaluit in 1990 and heading for the Persian Gulf
OV-10 Broncos transiting through Iqaluit in 1990 and heading for the Persian Gulf

Starting summer 1990, the Iqaluit airport then became one of the mandatory stopovers towards Middle East for some military aircrafts. Soon we could see L-382s carrying large size items and some OV-10 Broncos painted with desert colors landing in Iqaluit. Later on during autumn, other specially equipped aircrafts like the U.S.Army RU-21 Guardrail Common Sensor also made stopovers in Iqaluit.

RU-21 Guardrail Common Sensor on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990 and heading for the Persian Gulf
RU-21 Guardrail Common Sensor on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990 and heading for the Persian Gulf

A Southern Air Transport L-382 also landed in Iqaluit. That company was sometimes used by the CIA for its operations.

Southern Air Transport L-382 N908SJ transiting through Iqaluit in 1990
Southern Air Transport L-382 N908SJ transiting through Iqaluit in 1990

As soon as a flight service specialist (FSS) was not busy with radio communications, he would head toward the briefing counter to receive the military pilots who had come to obtain the mandatory weather and flight planning information that would be used to safely cross the Atlantic.

HF frequencies used for international communications at the local Transport Canada flight service station were really busy. On top of the regular air traffic services normally associated with commercial aircrafts crossing the Atlantic, we were now dealing with the radio communications associated with numerous military cargo aircrafts like the C-5s Galaxy and others.

In the two weeks preceding the United Nations ultimatum, between January 1st and 15th 1991, the Iqaluit flight service station recorded a 266 % increase against the same period in 1990 in oceanic traffic transiting through its airport. Flights were mostly related with private or chartered business jets linked to international banks, petroleum companies and military organizations preparing for the events to come. We received, among others, aircraft types like the G1, G2, G3, G4, HS25, DA50, DA90, CL60, C550, LR25 and B-727.

Occidental Petroleum B-727 N10XY on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990
Occidental Petroleum B-727 N10XY on a stopover in Iqaluit in 1990

One night of January 1991, while we were at work, one member of the staff took-off his headphones and calmly told me: “Son, the war has started”.

I will remember that special period since we did not receive a military training but, nonetheless, we witnessed and dealt with the preparation and aircraft movements associated with a major military conflict.

Moreover, for a short period, the Iqaluit airport reverted to the use it had initially been planned and built for in 1942, during the Second World War, which was a base created for short-range military aircrafts heading to Europe.

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Iqaluit FSS

Two airline captains forced to delay their departure from Iqaluit

(Precedent story: the « Amalgam Chief » military exercise: B-52 bombers in northern Canada).

Aer Lingus Boeing B-737 on final for Iqaluit (1989)
Aer Lingus Boeing B-737 on final for Iqaluit (1989)

This story is about a 1990 winter day where very bad weather conditions prevailed in Iqaluit, on Baffin Island, Canada. Bad as it was, the weather still allowed for takeoffs. Two airline companies, respectively owning a Boeing 727 and 737 had completed the boarding and expected to be airborne shortly. The weather deteriorating even more, the Transport Canada flight service specialists (FSS) had to tell the pilots that they could not proceed with the takeoff as the airport was now under the minimum visibility criteria.

The aircrafts were ready, the engines running and the pilots could not takeoff. There was a bit of tension in the air and the pilots finally decided that they would take a chance and takeoff under unacceptable conditions. The two captains were reminded by the FSS that if they tried to takeoff in the prevailing visibility, which was under legal minimums, an occurrence report would be filed against them.

The flight service specialist naturally received a reply in line with the pilot’s impatience. Nevertheless, the pilots took a second look at the weather and, thinking of a possible occurrence report, decided to delay both takeoffs.

A view from the Iqaluit flight service tower: a First Air Boeing B-727 and a Canadian Airlines Boeing B-737
A view from the Iqaluit flight service tower: a First Air Boeing B-727 and a Canadian Airlines Boeing B-737
A new Hapag-LLoyd (D-AHLL) Boeing B-737 has just arrived from Boeing Field in Seattle. Next destination: Germany.
A new Hapag-LLoyd (D-AHLL) Boeing B-737 has just arrived from Boeing Field in Seattle. Next destination: Germany.

In being so impatient to complete their flight, those captains were neglecting that there is always the possibility of an engine failure or other major emergency on takeoff. If they had lost an engine just after being airborne, it would have been impossible to return back to Iqaluit due to the extremely low visibility; they would have been forced to fly a very long distance with one less engine to get to their alternate airport, increasing the risks for the safety of the passengers.

The threat of a potential occurrence report, which has always been the prerogative of air traffic services, forced the pilots to wait for appropriate weather conditions.

The Iqaluit flight service station tower and a First Air Boeing B-727 landing on runway 36 (1990)
The Iqaluit flight service station tower and a First Air Boeing B-727 landing on runway 36 (1990)
View from the Iqaluit flight service station tower of an Evergreen International Boeing B-727 (1989)
View from the Iqaluit flight service station tower of an Evergreen International Boeing B-727 (1989)
A NWT Air B-737 on the taxiway and a Bradley Air Services Twin Otter about to land in Iqaluit (1989)
A NWT Air B-737 on the taxiway and a Bradley Air Services Twin Otter about to land in Iqaluit (1989)
An AirUK G-UKLB Boeing B737 is arriving in Iqaluit (around 1989)
An AirUK G-UKLB Boeing B737 is arriving in Iqaluit (around 1989)

(Next story: the lady who was robbed before my eyes)

For more real life stories as a FSS in Iqaluit, click on the following link: Flight service specialist (FSS) in Iqaluit

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Rouyn-Noranda FSS

Propair, Caribous (DHC-4) and the Irangate

Propair DHC-4 Caribou C-GVGX in Inukjuak in 1982
Propair DHC-4 Caribou C-GVGX in Inukjuak in 1982

In 1986, the Propair Company’s hangar was located very close from our flight service station in Rouyn-Noranda. There were frequent exchanges between their staff and our FSS’s. One day, one of their employees told us that two American pilots had just come to the airport to take delivery of a Caribou DHC-4 cargo aircraft that had been sold by Propair.

The aircraft would be exported. The DHC-4 is known to be a very practical aircraft as it can carry heavy loads and manage to takeoff or land on an extremely short distance.The pilots took-off with their used Caribou and we did not hear any more from them until the world Medias started to talk about the Irangate affair. I can talk about it today as it is a public affair: details can be found on the internet.

The Rouyn-Noranda Propair Company had in fact sold not one but two used DHC-4 Caribous to a consultant working for a panamean company. One of the DHC-4 was later registered in El Salvador. One of the two Caribous experienced an engine failure over the mountains, enroute towards El Salvador. In order to stay in the air, and considering the extreme outside moisture and air temperature, the crew had no other choice than to get rid of some weight. Spare parts in the cargo bay, including a brand new engine still in its crate, were pushed outside the plane, falling in the jungle below. But the plane had eventually no other choice than to land before arriving to its initially planned destination, Ilopango.

All this was linked to the Contras who were engaged in warfare operations against the Nicaraguan leftist government of Daniel Ortega. In order to finance the covert operations, a secret budget was necessary: some Americans were selling arms to Iran, even if there was an official ban, and the money received was financing warfare operations. A journalist who had followed this story closely and made important discoveries was found dead. He had apparently committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the head…

One of the pilots who departed Rouyn-Noranda with a DHC-4 was named Sawyer. This man would later fly, covert operations organized by the CIA, a C123 cargo type aircraft that was shot down in southern Nicaragua. The pilot and co-pilot were killed but a passenger, Eugene Hasenfus, parachuted out knowing the aircraft would soon crash. He was interrogated and revealed the details that allowed the discovery of the secret deal with Iran.

The Oliver North’s testimony in front of the Congress kept that story alive for a long time. Eventually, like everything, this story was progressively forgotten. Thirty years later, I still remember the numerous phone calls that the flight service station received from the Medias about this affair.

A book published in 2013 and titled “Raymond Boulanger, le pilote mercenaire” adds several details to this story, since Mr Boulanger was himself a pilot hired by the CIA.

For more real life stories on the Rouyn-Noranda flight service station and flight service specialists, click here:

Real life stories as a FSS in Rouyn-Noranda

Real life stories as a flight service specialist (FSS): Rouyn-Noranda FSS

Pilots: from best to worst

October 1984. It was time for the annual holidays. Florida was the destination. What made the trip more interesting was that the Challenger space shuttle would be launched while we would be there, and that the Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau would be on board. He was the first Canadian astronaut to have the opportunity to go in space.

The Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau (upper row, extreme right) and the other american astronauts chosen for the Nasa Challenger Space Shuttle Mission 41-G (from left to right and lower to upper row: Jon A.McBride, Sally K. Ride, Kathryn D. Sullivan, David C. Leestma, Paul D.Scully-Power, Robert L. Crippen, Marc Garneau) on aviation postcard.
The Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau (upper row, extreme right) and the other american astronauts chosen for the Nasa Challenger Space Shuttle Mission 41-G (from left to right and lower to upper row: Jon A.McBride, Sally K. Ride, Kathryn D. Sullivan, David C. Leestma, Paul D.Scully-Power, Robert L. Crippen, Marc Garneau) on aviation postcard.

The plane’s tickets were bought and one morning of the whole trip was reserved for the shuttle’s takeoff. I was planning to take a picture of the launch from Cocoa Beach. The shuttle would be airborne before daylight, while it was still quite dark.

I had a very basic Pentax camera at the time and all the settings had to be done manually. The aperture and speed were adjusted to ensure a well-balanced picture. But I never expected that the gas combustion would illuminate the sky in such a radical way. I believed, like many people, that the thundering noise from the engines would be the first sign that the launch had just happened.

But the speed of light being way faster that the speed of sound, we suddenly experienced a radical change in the ambient light. I had barely enough time to modify the settings before the shuttle entered the clouds. But I still managed to bring back a little souvenir from that day…

Challenger space shuttle taking-off in 1984 with the Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau on board
Challenger space shuttle taking-off in 1984 with the Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau on board

I had just seen something spectacular. I knew that on board were pilots with exceptional talent.

But two months before, while I was working as a flight service specialist (FSS) at the Transport Canada flight service station in Rouyn-Noranda (CYUY), I witnessed a different kind of performance. One day that I was listening on a frequency that is not normally used for communications between pilots and air traffic service units, I heard two pilots exchange the questions and answers found on airline pilot license written exams. The pilot’s comments gave me the feeling that they would be very lucky to succeed at such a written exam.

I took the microphone and, without announcing myself, intervened as a third party in the discussion. I asked them to repeat the questions and answers that they just gave each other since I did not have time to copy everything.

The pilots were stunned to realize that other people were listening while they were exchanging the data on the air. One of them said: “Did you hear that?” They immediately ended the radio communication. The simple fact of using radio frequencies for such activities told a lot about the quality of their judgment. And judgment is an essential quality of every performing pilot…

For more real life stories on the Rouyn-Noranda flight service station and flight service specialists, click here:

Real life stories as a FSS in Rouyn-Noranda