
Update October 5, 2014


There has been few additions in the past weeks, especially in the photography section, under Province of Quebec. A book about the Bugaled Breiz affair has been presented. There has also been, in the flight simulation section, under FSX, a C130 experimenting a double engine failure while enroute from Smithers to Prince George, Canada. The real life stories  continue and soon I will be able to start posting the stories that happened up north, in Inukjuak and Iqaluit.

Have a good visit!

Yann Quefflec - On l'appelait Bugaled Breizh
Yann Quefflec – On l’appelait Bugaled Breizh
C130 Smithers - Prince George, Canada
C130 Smithers – Prince George, Canada

Autumnal Ride in Baie-St-Paul


There has been many additions since the last update, as much on the flight simulation section than on the photography side of the site. Profiting from an end of September beautiful autumnal day, I visited Baie-St-Paul and the Maritime Museum of Charlevoix to take few pictures. Here are some shots that have been added recently in the Photography section, under Province of Quebec. Have a good visit!


Autumn colors near Baie St-Paul
Autumn colors near Baie St-Paul
Maritime Museum of Charlevoix, 2014.
Maritime Museum of Charlevoix, 2014.
HDR picture of an autumnal scene taken at St-Joseph-de-la-Rive, 2014
HDR picture of an autumnal scene taken at St-Joseph-de-la-Rive, 2014.

Update August 29, 2014

The content of the “photography” section is now similar in both languages of the site. The same applies for the virtual links of the “flight simulation” section. This picture, taken during the summer of 2014 in Victoria, British Columbia, is now part of a collection that will increase progressively.

Trpied, lentille 16-35mm et filtre polarisant ont t ncessaires pour la prise de cette photo.
Tripod,16-35mm lens and polarizing filter were necessary in order to take this picture.


Hello Everybody!

Welcome to my new web space. It’s a very humble site for the moment as I am developing it at the same time that I am learning WordPress. Once my site is completed, you will find quality photos and insights into improving your photography skills. This site will also contain information about aviation, flight simulation, weather and flight information services (FSS). I will be uploading real life stories about flight information services spanning over thirty years of experience in Quebec and Canada’s North. These stories will be accompanied with photos that I took over the years. I will also share my passion for books.

I am looking forward to your visit in the coming weeks.
