A Cathay Pacific Cargo Boeing 747 and the London Eye in London (2015)
The photo above requires a very quick moment of reflection before being correctly interpreted. Most of the people who have seen the picture for the first time immediately had the feeling that the aircraft was heading toward one of the London Eye’s capsules.
The viewers referred to images that they had already seen during the 9/11 attacks, images that were printed in their memory.
The Cathay Pacific Boeing 747 cargo was inbound for the London Heathrow international airport while my family and I were waiting in line to live the London Eye experience, the Ferris wheel installed in the center of London, United Kingdom.
Instead of capturing a large scene, which would have given a far better idea of the scale of objects and eliminated any confusion, I opted for a close-up plan, leaving the viewer with the work of interpreting the photo correctly.
One of the pleasures of street photography is to find a second interpretation to what would normally be an ordinary scene.
For other street photography pictures posted on my site, click on the following link:
Photos of England: a London view from the London Eye in 2015
England’s London Eye was initially a Ferris wheel that was to be dismantled after only five years. But this touristic attraction has rapidly become very popular and has been attracting tens of millions of tourists since its installation alongside the Thames in 2000. The London Eye can accomodate approximately twenty-five people in each of its thirty-two capsules, which brings the total to about height hundred visitors on every ride during the peak season.
A complete rotation lasts about thirty minutes and allows everybody to get a superb view of London. There is really no feeling of movement once you’re on board due to the relatively low speed of the rotation. As an attraction to present the city and provide visitors with an excellent point of view to take pictures, there is nothing better!
Photos of England: inside one of the London Eye’s capsule in 2015
With regards to photography, it is obvious that a wide-angle lens is ideal to capture London from the London Eye’s capsule. The two photos above have been taken with a Canon 5D MKII camera using a Canon 14mm 2.8L fixed lens.
I also attempted another photo of that famous touristic attraction by positioning myself under the trees alongside the Thames, on a rainy day.
Photos of England: a London Eye view from the Thames, during a rainy day in 2015.
Luck struck when I saw a Cathay Pacific Cargo Boeing B-747 approaching the London Heathrow international airport as I was looking at the sky near the London Eye to find an interesting shot. I just had to wait for the aircraft to get closer to the wheel in order to try a shot.
Photos of England: the London Eye and a Cathay Pacific Cargo B-747 in 2015
Finally, using compressed perspective provided by a Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS II USM lens, as well as an image editing software to retouch my photo, it was possible to tightly regroup the capsules and to produce a photo allowing the presentation of the London Eye under a different angle.
Photos of England: the London Eye in 2015
Other pictures of England and Europe in general will regularly be posted during the next few months. Have a good visit!