Photos of Quebec

Sunset at the Station de la Plage

An evening after the rain at the Station de la plage, Québec 2024
An evening after the rain at the Station de la plage, Québec 2024

A few Quebec City residents enjoy the last glimmers of daylight at the Station de la Plage, as the showers of the previous hour precipitated the departure of the other occupants.

Radar echoes showed towering cumulus clouds (TCU) approaching the area at around 19:00. These usually produce short-lived showers, letting light through here and there between the cloud formations.

For a photographer, the first ingredient in capturing a special sky is present.

The second prerequisite is that the setting sun’s rays travel a greater distance through the atmosphere, unblocked by a distant weather system. This makes it possible to observe such impressive shades of pink and red. So, we check the forecast to verify that this is no weather system coming the next day.

These two conditions greatly increase the chances of an interesting sky at dusk. It doesn’t always work, but let’s just say that planning improves the likelihood of a successful photo shoot.

That’s what happened on this August evening in 2024.

Evening sky visible through the installations at the Station de la plage, Québec 2024
Evening sky visible through the installations at the Station de la plage, Québec 2024

The photo above shows the shades of sky visible through the openwork ceiling of the Station de la plage. I like the minimalist look. It vaguely reminds me of the paintings of Canadian Newfoundlander Christopher Pratt. For him, the primary interest lies less in the representation of an architectural structure as such than in the addition of light that will transform the viewer’s perception.

Click on the link for more photos of Quebec City and Île d’Orléans in Summer on my blog.