Screen captures

The F14 Tomcat (FSX) and the Palm Springs (KPSP) virtual airport, USA

F14 Tomcat inbound to the Palm Springs airport (FSX), USA (KPSP)
F14 Tomcat inbound to the Palm Springs airport (FSX), USA (KPSP)

Here is an edited screen capture that was added recently in the “flight simulation” section above, under “virtual pictures”. This virtual flight was made using Microsoft Flight Simulator (FSX). The scenery, very well executed by Orbx, represents the Palm Springs region, in United States. It is the most recent addition to the collection of virtual airports available for the California region. The F-14, made by Dino Cattaneo, is a freeware (check the free download links that is provided). This combination of plane and airport is certainly going to please the virtual flight enthousiast!