Geopolitics Human behavior

Stupidity and power

During the turbulent times that United States is going through, it is appropriate to remember the Third Basic Law of human stupidity as defined by Carlo M. Cipolla : « Is stupid a person who causes a loss to another person or a group of other persons while not deriving any benefit for himself and possibly even inflicting losses on himself ». Losses can be of all kinds, such as a rapid decrease in the support network, a greater difficulty in accessing financial resources, loss of credibility or even possible civil lawsuits for inappropriate acts.

According to Mr Cipolla, « the destructive potential of stupid people depends on two main factors. First, the genetic factor […] and second, the position of power and eminence in society ». « Essentially, stupid people are dangerous because people have difficulty imagining and understanding unreasonable behaviour ».

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The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

A book cover with three men and one woman.
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Looking at the title, we imagine that this book is either cynical or humorous. Anticipating the reader’s reaction, the author quickly announces where he stands: “These pages are actually the result of a constructive effort to detect, understand and perhaps neutralize one of the most powerful dark forces that impede welfare and happiness of mankind.”

Written by Carlo M. Cipolla and originally published in English in 1976, this little book became an international bestseller when published in 1988 in Italian, his native language, and integrated into a bigger publication called Allegro ma non troppo.

The book contains five basic laws of human stupidity. Each is outlined and explained. In order to take the analysis one step further, the author explains the method he uses to qualify a person’s actions. It is obvious that all may not agree with the author. The same thing happens with subjects like religion or politic. These are sensitive issues.

Distribution of stupidity

I will mention only the first law that sets the tone of the book :[My translation]: “Everyone inevitably always underestimates the number of stupid persons existing in the world.

All men are not equal: some are stupid and others are not. Culture, race, social class, education, wealth or where you live has nothing to do with the case. Nature randomly decides. Stupidity is shared equally between men and women and uniformly distributed in a constant proportion.

The four major categories

The author divides humanity into four broad categories: idiots, intelligent people, bandits and stupid people. He considers that the most dangerous category is the one that relates to stupidity. These persons show a consistency to inflict losses to others while making no gain themselves through their own actions. In fact, most of the time, they suffer losses.

Impact on society

The degree of danger of the stupid person is function of the genetic combination (the dose of stupidity received at birth!) and the power he holds in society: [My tranlation]:” Stupid people cause losses to others without personal gain consideration. Society as a whole is impoverished.” There is more damage inflicted to society if the stupid actions are the result of a high ranking individual.

In a desire to protect the reader against associating with a stupid person, the author writes: [My translation]: ” You always hope to manipulate stupid people, and it is often achieved, to a certain extent. But because of the erratic side of their behavior, we cannot predict all the actions and reactions of stupid people and we find ourselves very quickly pulverized by the unpredictable decisions of the stupid associate.

Composition of the population of a country on a downward slope

The final microanalysis attempt to present the composition of individuals in a country that is on a downward slope. The author believes that the percentage of stupid persons is always equal to the proportion found in countries that are on the rise. The difference is instead found in the increasing number of people being found in 1) the category of bandits with a stupid trend (those who get a minor gain while inflicting major losses to others) and 2) a similar increase in the number of idiots in this country (those who cause losses to themselves by constantly generating gains for others).

One positive effect to read and understand this book

This book is likely to reconcile yourself with the past by allowing you to put a final qualifier on the actions of one or more individuals who may have caused you problems while making no serious gain and, eventually, who suffered significant setbacks due to their inappropriate actions and behaviour toward you.


Four blank grids are provided at the end of the book to allow the reader to put a qualifier on the actions of persons of his choice.

Original title: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
©1988 Società editrice Il Mulino, Bologna
©2012 Presses Universitaires de France
ISBN 978-2-13-060701-4