Screen captures


Harrier intercepting a twin turboprop
Harrier intercepting a twin turboprop

The screen capture that you can see here has really not been planned. It is about the interception of a light twin engine aircraft by a Harrier military jet. After subscribing to an English virtual flying magazine, I received, as a welcome gift, this virtual military jet. As I was “in flight” familiarizing myself with the jet, I saw a little white dot moving in the distance. It was one of the numerous virtual aircrafts generated by the Microsoft Flight Simulator (FSX) program. The idea to simulate an interception and fly in formation with an unknown aircraft was just too good to resist. In few minutes, both aircrafts were in sight of each other. It was now a matter of adjusting the speed of the Harrier exactly with the other aircraft’s speed and progressively get closer. The picture represents the end result of this little meeting. The countryside under the planes is an ORBX creation.