
Vladimir Putin and Germany

Vladimir Putin‘s war against Ukraine has finally had an unexpected effect: Germany has woken up to its national security and its responsibility to NATO. The Germans have announced that they will now invest massively to equip themselves with military forces worthy of the name. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has spoken of spending around 100 billion euros over the next few years.

Russia’s unwarranted invasion of Ukraine has certainly brought back old memories in Germany. With Operation Barbarossa in 1941, Hitler had attacked Russia by surprise, despite having given his word, resulting in the biggest battle of all time. Millions of people died in this one conflict.

A non-aggression agreement between two countries remains valid only until one of the two partners changes his mind. That is as good as it gets. The Germans showed this to Russia in 1941.

With Russia invading a free country like Ukraine, Germany has realized that it cannot take anything for granted anymore. Today the country is in a vulnerable position and needs to increase its autonomy in the face of a potential attack, especially since most NATO members do not take seriously their responsibility towards military spending.

Moreover, it can no longer really count on the intervention of the United States. American foreign policy and its vision of NATO are now likely to change every four years, depending on whether Trump or one of his allies is elected. This is nothing to secure Europe. Putin put an end to daydreaming.

Photos of Canada Photos of Quebec

Cycling around L’Îsle-aux-Coudres

Bank of St-Joseph-de-la-Rive in Québec in 2021.
Bank of St-Joseph-de-la-Rive in Québec in 2021.

Cycling around L’Îsle-aux-Coudres is a good exercise and even a photography project for landscape photography enthusiasts. The following information will therefore help you both for the exercise and for planning a photography trip …

The ferry is taken at St-Joseph-de-la-Rive, just down the Côte des Éboulements. Transportation is free, but make sure you’re in the queue thirty minutes before departure: if you make it at the last minute, you’ll have to take the next ferry, an hour later. The trip only takes about 15 minutes to L’Îsle-aux-Coudres.

Once you have reached the island with the car, you drive up the hill (no other choice) to the first intersection and you immediately see a church on the left: this is where motorists carrying bicycles park, free of charge.

Man relaxing at L'Isle-aux-Coudres in 2021.
Man relaxing at L’Isle-aux-Coudres in 2021.

Cycling around L’Îsle-aux-Coudres is not really difficult, as the distance to be covered is only 23 kilometers. There are only a few hills to climb and they can be walked up alongside the bike if the challenge is too great. Along the route you will find rest stops, small craft shops and a few restaurants.

Bank of L'Îsle-aux-Coudres 2021.
Bank of L’Îsle-aux-Coudres 2021.

Driving around the island in the low season is ideal if you don’t enjoy driving in the presence of too many cars. I was there in September and really wasn’t bothered by traffic. The photo above shows the view in the fall, from the south side of the island. For several kilometers, the cyclist enjoys a perfect view of the St. Lawrence River and the road is directly on the edge of the banks.

The Îsle-aux-Coudres region in 2021.
The Îsle-aux-Coudres region in 2021.

There are some beautiful views along the way. Above, a view of the distant mountains that lie on the north shore of the St. Lawrence.

The MSC Annick vessel in front of l'Îsle-aux-Coudres in 2021.
The MSC Annick vessel in front of l’Îsle-aux-Coudres in 2021.

Wind is the main factor to consider when traveling around the island. In the photo above, the wind is strong enough for the smoke from the MSC Annick ship’s chimney to flow in the same direction as the boat, rather than gradually drifting astern.

This means that on days with high winds, there is a side of the island where you will have to put more effort as a cyclist, but you will then be rewarded with a good tail wind in the second portion of the journey.

Effect of the wind on the cirrus clouds over Baie St-Paul in 2021.
Effect of the wind on the cirrus clouds over Baie St-Paul in 2021.

One last photo taken on the return trip by ferry. Strong winds aloft visibly have an effect on cloud structure.

Have a good ride, and possibly a good photo shoot!

For other pictures of the province of Québec on my site: Québec, Québec City and Île d’Orléans in autumn, Québec City and Île d’Orléans in spring, Québec City and Île d’Orléans in summer, Québec City and Île d’Orléans in winter.

History of cities

Boston’s North End Sector.

The Italian North End sector of Boston.
The Italian North End sector of Boston.

The photo above was taken in 2019 in Boston’s North End on the Feast of St.Anthony’s one hundredth anniversary festivities. The North End area experienced strong Italian immigration at the start of the twentieth century and is recognized today for its many Italian restaurants.

Gathering in Boston's Italian North End's area in Boston 2019.
Gathering in Boston’s Italian North End’s area in Boston 2019.

In the photo above, citizens of the area are gathered around a table placed directly on the street for the time of the festivities.

Food stands in Boston's North End sector 2019.
Food stands in Boston’s North End sector 2019

People gathered along the main streets of the area to feast on the many Italian dishes offered in restaurants as well as along the streets. They also took the opportunity to watch the parade carrying the banner of San Antonio di Padova.

Members of the St. Anthony Society in Boston.
Members of the St. Anthony Society in Boston.

Residents and tourists alike could drop some cash on the banners as the parade led by members of the St. Anthony Society passed. I managed to clear a small place for myself to take a few pictures, but I wouldn’t have made any friends if I had tried to get closer …

Here is the link for other pictures of United States on my site.


“Papa” by Régis Jauffret

The novel "Papa" by Régis Jauffret.
The novel “Papa” by Régis Jauffret.

Both Sorj Chalandon, in his novel “Enfant de salaud”, and Régis Jauffret in “Papa” try to grasp the enigmatic personality of their father. Sorj Chalandon’s father is said to have been a Resistance fighter and a traitor at the same time, while Régis Jauffret’s father is said to have been filmed coming out of a Gestapo interrogation session, terror on his face. Where does the truth lie? Who are these fathers really?

In a previous text, I presented the book “Enfant de salaud”. Now it’s the turn of the novel “Papa” by Régis Jauffret.

As one might expect with Régis Jauffret, the writing style differs radically. The author is the winner of the Goncourt short story prize (2018) for his novel “Microfictions 2018”. His sense of synthesis, black humour and even cynicism makes this return to the father’s past a literary as well as historical adventure. The reader quickly understands that the author takes pleasure in presenting his discoveries. He even adds a bit of fiction when necessary.

True to my habit when it comes to Régis Jauffret, I will present his book through selected quotes. Indeed, the interest of the book lies as much in the content as in the way Régis expresses himself to enlighten his subject. Here are a few quotes (translated as best as possible) that may help to grasp the tone of the book:

I took communion.

Someone pointed out to me on the way out that I wasn’t a believer.

   – That’s right, a wafer or chips.

      I smiled, but after this blasphemy I was not very happy. When you have been educated religiously, you always keep the terror of God in the back of your mind”

“He had just had a stroke which, far from handicapping him, seemed to have cheered him up”.

“She told me that the moisture had blown away the veneer [of the coffin]. All that was left was a box of blackened boards. I wasn’t in a good enough mood to call the funeral home lady to invoke the eternal guarantee that such metaphysical products undoubtedly enjoy”.

“One of those happy memories that make you feel good that you never went to a gun shop to buy something to shoot yourself in the head”.

“Alfred was instructed to clench his teeth during coitus without sighing, while she remained as stoic as when the dentist teased one of her molars with the tip of his drill without anesthesia”.

“Through the vast copper bell of a gramophone perched on a pedestal whose statue had been stolen, Édith Piaf shouted ‘J’ai dansé avec l’amour’ (I danced with love) while the cries of the martyrs rose from the basement”.

“Writing about oneself is a form of incontinence”.

“We are condescending to deaf people without status or talent, but we prefer to deal with them sparingly. When you haven’t seen them soon enough to have hidden behind a construction machine or a bulky man, you greet them from afar as you walk away”.

“If I had not seen these images, you would have remained in the sewers of my memory”.

“If I last as long as Madeleine, I will be a centenarian who will unexpectedly ruminate on his father in his dried-up brain like a currant while an orderly built like a colossus swings my emaciated body in the air to change my diaper”.

“Pitiful descendant of protozoa that have become multicellular beings with brains, humanity has no reason to show off”.

“It is heroic in times of war to assume the role of the executioner, even if it means being wrong sometimes, because in extreme situations doubt never benefits the accused”.

“He talked from morning to night. Anyone he met on the street was showered with language like a careless person on a pier on a stormy day by a surge of water. In his office, everyone was soaked. So much so that people ran away from him, but he always managed to find someone who was kind enough to let himself be flooded”.

“I never heard him talk about his day either. The weather had been fine, it had snowed, it had rained, a chamois had crossed the trail in a tail, a man hit by a storm had burst into flames, a lady had fallen into a crevasse while singing a cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach”.

“During this time, Jean-Jacques and Honoré undertook the sisters red as blue meat to find themselves in the presence of two boys whose pants in the fashion of the time moulded the genital apparatus of which they dreaded in advance the sting”.

Click on the link for other novels on my blog.

Title : Papa

Author : Régis Jauffret

Editions : Roman/Seuil, 2020.

ISBN : 978-2-02-145035-4